Chapter 12

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(so i decided to write a chapter for every couple of days, thanks you guys for all the feedback on the question! hopefully these next few chapters wont be as confusing as my head says they are going to be. but i have a slight feeling this might work out, anyway hope you enjoy.) 

~kaycee pov~ 

My eyes slowly open, the light burning through them. I groan as I roll over onto my side. I look towards my bedside table, my alarm clock lighting up the time in bold red numbers. I should probably be getting up, I have dance today and I told Sean I was going to meet him there. I'm looking forward to today's class: Brian seemed very excited about his new choreography. Brian is one of my favourite choreographers, well to be honest I can't name one of my mentors I don't like. But Brian just carries this contagious energy, you can tell that dance is his passion. He always talks to me whenever I go to his classes. He says that he loves having me with him on conventions such as the Main Event. I mean I love attending his classes and conventions, I just feel happy and free. 

I reach over to the beside table and grab my phone before lying on my back. I haven't got many messages this morning since I went to sleep quite late last night. I guess I got distracted by texting Sean and watching YouTube videos. We talked a lot last night, Sean was probably quite nervous for today's class but I think I talked him down a little bit.  I read through the messages from the group chat, it's mainly Bailey and Josh sending memes through. I rub my eyes before switching to my messages with Sean.


Hey Sean! I hope you listened to me and
that you are coming to dance today! I think
we agreed that we were meeting there today
but if you are feeling nervous then I can
meet you outside the coffee shop. It's up 
to you, let me know what you would prefer!
See you soon!

I turn off my phone and put it back on my bedside table. I sigh before tossing the duvet off of my body and sitting up on the edge of my bed. I yawn and stretch before standing up and walking over to my closet. What should I wear for dance today? I pick out my camo sweatpants and a black crop top. This should be good! 


"Morning mom!" I say as I enter the kitchen. 

"Hey hun, how did you sleep?" she asks.

"I slept well, what about you?" I reply. She nods and smiles at me. I turn to the drinks cupboard and grab a tea bag. I grab my mug which is beside the sink. It is a pale blue colour with a shiny silver rim. I place the tea bag inside and fill the mug with hot water. My dad walks into the kitchen and kisses my mom on the head. He walks over to me and hugs me.

"Hey kiddo, you okay?" he asks.

"Yeah, you?" I reply. 

"Yup. You got dance today?" he asks.


"You going to see Sean today?" my mom asks curiously from the table. 

"Really mom? Is that always the question?" I reply sarcastically. She shrugs her shoulders before turning back to her plate of toast. 

"I'm just asking! You two seem to be really close, and I know you love spending time with him. I was just wondering whether you will be going to dance with him today!" she says defensively. 

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