Harry imagine #2

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Second harry imagine :)

#imagine harry

''i'm going out again, see you tomorrow''.

''ok byee'', you shouted as harry left your room. You like harry a lot, but he doesn't seem to like you back. You've been roommates for over 2 years now, and everytime you supported him. You were like bestfriends, soulmates. If you told him you liked him your friendship would be over. Everytime you was there for him when a girl broke his heart, every single time you were there, and the next day he had an one night stand again. You dropped your pen and hold your head in your hands. What he does to you is unbelievable. You really really like him..

you walked downstairs and grabbed some ice cream and a good movie.. The notebook.

The first movie you and harry watched together when you both moved in. You both cried at movie, and now you're sitting here alone crying all by yourself. 

When the movie ended i decided to go to bed. 


''harryy.. yeah... harry thats sooo good, aahh'', you heard from the room opposite. 

Your tears were falling and you walked over to harry's room, his door was open and there he was. A blonde slut was riding him. He seemed to enjoy it. Your tears were falling.

'' h-harry? '', you said, but he didn't hear. You walked downstairs wiping the tears away and making you some cup of tea. You sat down on the couch, waiting for the loud noise to finish. You stopped dead in tracks when they walked downstairs. Harry holding her hand and leading her to the door. He did nothing but she flew herself to him and kissed him once again. He didn't kiss back.

'' call me '', she said.

'' yeah wathever'', he said back closing the door. He turned and saw me sitting on the couch.

'' fuck.. you scared the shit out of me'', he said grabbing his chest.

'' i'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you, i was just grabbing some tea, because i hear-''.

''it's fine, and i'm sorry for that'', he smirked but you didn't smile back. You just stared at him with a blank face. He stopped smirking and  stared at you also. You just shook your head and put the tea on the counter. You walked past him. '' goodnight harry ''. '' wait Y/N did i do something wrong '', he said grabbing your eyes. '' no nothing at all '', you said fake smiling. '' wait a second, tell me... ''.

'' no it's fine just let me go please '', you looked down, tears falling from your eyes.. He let you go and you walked upstairs to your room and your balcony. Letting the cold air hit your face.

''just tell me Y/N, i know when there's something wrong'', Harry said standing beside you. It's time to tell him, you've waited long enough.

''you don't see it harry, don't you?'', you asked. '' seeing what ?'', he asked back. You just smiled.

'' we've been here for over 2 years now ?, i supported you, and i was there everytime a girl broke your heart, and after that you only had one night stands, and were was i ? Listening in bed to your moans and names over and over again ...'', you stared into distance.

'' i know it was you...''.

'' w-what?'', you turned to him.

'' i was looking for love by every single girl, trying to find a perfect person to be with everytime, who would make my life complete, first i thought it was you, but then i jsut shrugged it off, and went on, but every girl i hooked up with or went to bed with, wasn't the right person, when all the girls are gone, i'm only thinking of you.. Y/N you're the one i always wanted to be with.. but i just couldn't''. you turned towards him and hugged him.. 

'' i always liked you harry''.

'' then why didn't you say something ? Why didn't you stop me ?'', he said wiping your tears away.

'' I was afraid, afraid for love, afraid for our friendship to end, afraid you didn't believe me..'', you looked him in the eyes.

'' you don't have to be afraid, i'm not going anywhere now'', he said. You just smiled at him and stared at his eyes.

'' would you like to be mine ?''.

''i'd love too'', he looked to your lips and then back at your eyes. He leaned in and you did too. Than his phone interrupped us. We broke apart and he grabbed his phone. '' Ha, it's the girl i just had sex with''. your smile faded at how he said that. You looked up at him and he just stared at you.

'' i didn't mean it that way.. i mean that i don't need other girls anymore.. see this?'', you looked at his phone he had tons and tons of numbers from girls. You nodded and he smiled."

'' i don't need them anymore'', he threw the phone as far as he could.

'' you didn't need to do that'', you said laughing.

'' why not ? there's only one person i need in my life right now and that's the only person i need''.

'' and who may that be'', i said sneaking my hands around his neck.

'' you...only you'', he leaned in again and you did too, than he kissed you, sweet, passionate and full of lust. It was the start of something beautiful..


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