Niall imagine

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Long Niall imagine :) 




(your POV) 
You've been texting all day with Niall. And you love him.. only one thing:
He has a girlfriend. He always talks about her to you how amazing she is and how adorable.
I just want to be that one and only girl he talks about. But if he is happy i can't stop him..

'She's amazing.. i'm going to her tonight, need to replace our date sorry babe.. x niall'.

Great he's replacing it again. You want a coffee so you headed towards starbucks and left your phone at home. He doesn't need me he has her now.

I grabbed a ice coffee to cool myself down. 

I walked at home thinking.. Why isn't he seeing that i care about him more than she does ?

I went inside and grabbed my phone. wauw.

20 missed calls and 10 texts. All from Niall.

'(yn) where are you? '.

'(yn) i need you :( '.


and the last one:'i'm in our garden please come outside :('.

I dropped the coffee and walked over the backyard. Seeing niall sitting on the swing looking out at the sea ( yeah i have a beach house ).

I hate seeing him like this. If there's something wrong he always sits on my swing. Always.

i sighed and walked out of the house towards him.. Sitting on the swing beside him.

He looked up at me and gave a half smile.. His eyes were read and puffy and he has been crying..

'What's wrong Nialler?', i asked him looking at where he was looking.

'i can't believe this..'.

'i don't understand you until you tell me what's wrong !', i said looking at him.

'i've been so stupid..she thought she cancelled my date and went with another dude..'.

'who was he?'.

'some freaking guy, i don't know.. i just want somebody who loves me and not cheats on me'.

'i'm sorry but what did you just say?'.

'nobody loves me.. nobody does.. Everybody makes fool of me when i fall in love with them..', He said looking at this hands.

'one thing Niall Horan.. don't you see it?', i said looking at him. 

'seeing ... what ?'.

i sighed and shook my head..' i.. me.. i was always there for you Niall.. When all those girls broke your heart.. i was always there.. That one time we kissed after, what's her name ? oh yeah Tisja... and yuo said the kiss was nothing.. i was heart broken.. do you understand that ? No you don't... you went to another girl and pretend nothing happened.. i cried for weeks because YOU niall freaking Horan said that to ME', i stormed away towards the beach.. Anger was bulling up inside me and i went as red as a tomato to niall. He was shocked.

I'm so glad i said that to him ! It was out of my body now.. 

I still love him i do, but he needs to see that i care about him. 

'all you said...right there... was that true ? Do...Do you love me?', he said standing behind me. I didn't turn at him... i still showed my back towards him. 

'yes.. why should i say it eh ?', i said crossing my arms. 

'why .. didn't you told me earlier ? Before those girls..'. 

'Because', i said turning around,' i tried to keep telling you that.. and when i tried to tell you, you said you had another girl AGAIN.. so i kept it inside me and i can't take it anymore that you're with someone else.. i want to be yours.. but you on the other side didn't seem to care at all', wiping away a tear.

'wowow hold it right there.. you thougt i don't care about you ? That i don't love you.. but guess what.. you were like me a few months ago... god i loved you so much and seeing you with another boy broke me everytime.. I cried every fucking night about you.. and then i went over it and we changed rolls.. just like that.. i love you (yn) and that never changed', he said stepping close.

' love me?'. 

'i do... with all my heart..i'm deeply in love with you and i want you to be mine', he grabbed my waist and kissed me long and passionately..

After a few dates we became official and in 2 years..

I was Mrs. Horan :) 



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