Chapter One: Loud Mouth Adams

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"Gooooood morning Midtown Science High!" Callie sang cheerfully into a grey plastic microphone in the attendance office. "Welcome back to another Friday of magical learning and lovely timed essays and SAT prep and all that other good stuff . . ."

She used to have to follow a strict script for these announcements. After a year she figured she could just add in a few bits here and there―usually to the dismay of the principal, who had started listening in on the live broadcasts.

"Don't forget we have a pep rally today, yay! Who doesn't love awkward screaming and sweaty basketball players? Flash, I'm talking to you, dude."

She heard an irritated cough from the corner of the room and saw the principal glaring at her.

"Moving on," Callie continued, unfazed. She looked down at her paper script and sighed. She looked over at the principal. "Do I have to say that?" she asked with a frown.


"Fine," she sighed, before continued in a deadpan, monotonous voice, "girls, if you will please remember that the bottom of your shorts must go past your fingertips. I apologize that this is the . . let's see . . fifth time I have to say that this month, but some people are convinced that a girl's upper thigh skin might cause every male to spontaneously convulse, and who am I to disobey their wishes?"

At this, the Principal got up and walked out, murmuring, "I can't do this today," under her breath. Callie spun around once in her spinny chair as the door closed behind her. 

"Alright! In other news, today is national milkshake day, a.k.a. my second favorite national holiday, please celebrate accordingly . . also it's probably gonna rain later today, so if you brought an umbrella, congratulations! you're overprepared for life and you're probably a psychic or something. If you didn't, well then, your afternoon is going to suck and I'm sorry.

"That's all we have for announcements, so everyone get your homework done and have a fanatical friday!" Callie said with a smile, turning off the mic and grabbing her backpack. But before she left the attendance office, she dropped her bag and ran back to the mic, shouting a hasty "And don't forget the pep rally! It's important! Bring extra pep!" into the mic.

She picked up her bag from the floor and waved at the receptionist, who waved back with a smile. She walked out into the crowded school hallway where she was met with a few smiles, a few scoffs, and quite a few eyerolls. Unfortunately her comments during announcements weren't always well-received. She didn't have to worry about the negative responses for long because Peter was already waiting outside the office for her, skateboard in hand.

"How'd I do?" she asked, just like she did every morning.

"Great. I especially liked the comment about Flash." he smiled.

"Yeah, I'm definitely going to pay for that one."

As if on cue, a basketball came out of nowhere and hit Peter in the back of the head. He grimaced, but in a way that suggested this sort of thing wasn't unusual. Callie turned to see Flash and his usual group of what she liked to call 'hooligans' smirking and laughing.

"Sorry," Flash said, but it was clear that he meant quite the opposite.

"Morning Flash." Peter commented with an irritated grin.

"Good morning Parker!" Flash called out jovially as he passed. He lunged at Peter, making him jump, before backing off and laughing.

Callie picked up Flash's basketball and tucked it under her arm. "I'm confiscating this."

LOUD MOUTH → PETER PARKER  ✓Where stories live. Discover now