Chapter Nine: Revenge of The Loud Mouth

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Callie walked into school that morning and headed straight for the attendance office. It would be the first time she had done the announcements since Ben's death―the gym teacher had been doing it in the meanwhile, and Callie was sure she'd rip off her ears before that happened again.

The principal was waiting for her when she got there. She smiled, "Welcome back, Callie."

"Glad to be back." Callie smiled. As usual, the script was by the microphone, freshly printed. Callie sat back in her spinny chair, realizing how much she had missed the creaky thing, and cleared her throat. Hands shaking, she turned the microphone on.

"Gooooood morning Midtown Science High! It's been a while, but this is your captain, Callie 'Loud Mouth' Adams speaking, and I'm back for revenge. Yes, I know that I've been missed, no need to make a big deal about it . . as much as I'd love it if someone did, but whatever . . " Callie paused, hearing a bit of laughter coming from the hallway. She smiled.

"Alright, let's get into these announcements, and I'll make it quick. We have yet another pep rally coming up this week, woo! Bring every single drop of pep you can muster and scream as loud as your tired lungs can because I guess it motivates the basketball team to play better, who knows. There's a sexist dress code reminder here, I'll skip over that . . oh! the weather―it's going to be sunny all day, folks, enjoy it! Knowing New York, it could be snowing tomorrow. And, most importantly, it's national blanket day, and to say I'm excited would be an understatement." Callie paused for a moment to take a deep, shaky breath away from the mic.

"Alright, some of you are probably are wondering why I rushed through those announcements so fast. I'm afraid it's because I have something to say that doesn't have much to do with pep rallies and dress codes. If you've had the misfortune of being around me this week, I'm sorry. I've been a downer to just about everyone, including myself, and I'm working on that. Specifically, Gwen Stacy, I'm sorry. And I really like your bangs. They always look really neat and I've never met anyone whose bangs look good after 2pm. It's incredible."

She could feel her heart beating in her chest now, but she kept her voice level. "And finally, to Peter Parker―yeah, you. Get off your skateboard for a second and listen up, because this is important." she paused for a moment, working up that last bit of courage.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for ignoring you. I guess I thought I was waiting for you to talk first, but a very wise person told me that if I wanted to change something, I'd have to do the scary thing first. So here I am, and I'm very scared. And sorry. Really sorry. Aaaand I'm saying that in front of the entire school, which is very embarrassing and awkward so I'll just wrap this up really quick. I'm sorry, I'm an idiot, I miss you."

Callie paused to let out a giant, relieved breath. "Okay! Now that that's over, everyone do your homework, appreciate your favorite blanket―shut up I know you all have one―, and have a thrilling Thursday."

The microphone clicked off and Callie leaned back, in the chair, swaying from side to side. "Woo!" she exclaimed loudly, throwing her hands up in the air in triumph. "I did that! Hell yeah I did."

She got up and grabbed her backpack. "Okay, time to face the day."

She walked out, waving to the receptionist, and burst into the crowded hallway. A few people smiled widely at her, catching her completely off guard.

"Welcome back, Callie." one of them said. "If Coach Heyward did the announcements one more time, I was going to strike."

Callie felt a stupid smile growing on her face. "Thanks," she said. "but I feel like got a little rusty."

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