Chapter Ten: Not-So Secret Identities

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As it turns out, undoing her seatbelt was probably the worst thing she could have done. The car fell, and Callie fell with it, nothing holding her to her seat. And the 'life flashing before your eyes' thing? Total bullshit. All she could think about was about how her body was going to be dragged from the bay, covered in blood and glass.

The icy waters of the bay were getting closer, and free fall started to feel like a death sentence. And then, suddenly, the car stopped in mid-air. Callie didn't though. Without the seatbelt to tether her anywhere, she fell straight forward and landed on the windshield. Her cheek and lip hit the glass and split, sending the feeling of blood running down her face and the taste of blood in her mouth. Her head spun, but she could look through the glass and see that the surface of the bay was nearly thirty feet below her. Slowly, she looked up. The car was a sickening twenty feet below the bridge, and when she looked to see what could possibly have stopped it from falling, she saw something that looked oddly like a web.

Above her, Callie heard roaring, like the lizard was either getting its ass kicked or kicking someone's ass-and god, she really hoped it was the former. She looked to the side and saw that more than one car had also been tethered to the bridge to stop it from falling, all kept there by the rope-like web.

Her blood ran cold when she heard the glass cracking below her. A small spider-web (no pun intended) of cracks had formed on the windshield below her. She tried to move herself to a different position, but the car swung so badly that it made her freeze where she was. The glass couldn't last much longer.

At this point, Callie was having a full-on pity party for herself. This was how she was going to die, and she never even got to say goodbye to her mom. She wouldn't get to see Lily again. She wouldn't get the chance to meet her dad and punch him in the face for leaving her. She wouldn't get to see Peter again.

As the first tears began to trickle down her bloody cheek, something jumped onto the car. She screamed and covered her head as glass from the back windshield rained down onto her. God, what was it with her and glass?

And then she heard a voice. "Are you okay?"

She looked up and saw that red-suited, web-slinging vigilante from the news crouched over the broken windshield. Though she couldn't see his face, she could have sworn they froze when she turned her head.

"I think so," she said, her voice oddly strong for how scared she was, "but I don't think this glass is going to hold for much longer."

As if it heard her, the glass creaked again, and more schisms split on its surface.

"Like, not long at all!" she yelled, her voice becoming frantic.

"Hey, hey, it's going to be okay!" they yelled. "Can you reach my hand?"

She looked up and saw a red and black gloved hand stretched out, but it barely reached the middle of the backseat. Callie stretched her hand out as far as it could go and felt the glass crack even more below her. She retracted it quickly, her breath quickening. "I can't!"

"Yes you can! Try again."

The glass was getting even more unstable. The cracking noises got even more frequent. But she did as they said, trying once again to reach their hand. Their fingers were a foot apart. She had no choice but to slowly move to a sitting position. Their hands got closer as she carefully shifted upright. The cracking started again, and this time it didn't stop

"It's breaking!" she shouted. The windshield gave out and shattered, and she felt herself go into free fall for the second time that day. Her eyes shut tight, bracing for an impact. But it never came. Something cold seemed to stick to the middle of her outstretched hand. Her eyes opened, and she saw that the masked hero had shot another web, connecting her hand to theirs.

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