Chapter Twelve: Gwen's Warning

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Callie put off going home one more night to stay with Peter. Though she debated quietly leaving several times before finally falling asleep, she figured her mother would be plenty preoccupied with the giant lizard running amok in New York―as would the rest of the police station.

In the morning, Callie was sitting at the breakfast table across from Peter. As May walked by and refilled her glass with orange juice, she smiled at her. Callie had been staying the night long enough that May didn't get suspicious, but Callie still noticed her glancing between the two ever so often.

Callie had woken up early enough to clean the black blood off of her cheek and lip. The cuts had mostly healed, though she was sure the one on her cheek would scar. She would have to put some concealer on it before she actually went back to see her mom.

Instead of focusing on that, she turned her attention to the television, where Captain Stacy was holding a press conference that was no doubt about what had happened on the bridge the night before. Callie looked closely and saw her mother standing behind Captain Stacy, trying to look as if every thing was normal. Callie wondered if her mother was even thinking about her right then―if she even could with everything else that was going on.

"Settle down, please," Captain Stacy addressed the mob of desperate reporters. "At approximately nine PM last night, an incident took place on the Willimas Bridge. Much of what occurred is merely speculation at this point. However, several eyewitnesses to the crime, as well as out own preliminary findings, have positively place one individual at the scene. Which is why this morning I am issuing an arrest warrant for the masked vigilante known as Spider-Man."

Peter and Callie shared a knowing look. Peter quickly grabbed his backpack and left, leaving Callie to hurriedly grab hers and shout a quick Thanks, May! before hurrying out after him.

               GWEN SEEMED SURPRISED WHEN PETER AND CALLIE asked her to join them in the bleachers in the middle of their free track. She was even more surprised when Peter handed her a dead spider in a small glass vial―the one that had turned him into the web-slinging superhero he was. Gwen took the news surprisingly well as she stared at the dead creature in awe.

"It's so beautiful." she breathed.

Callie, on the other hand, shuddered every time she caught a glance at it. "I hate spiders." she said in disgust. "No offense."

"Who else knows about this?" Gwen asked. Peter pointed at Callie at the same moment she raised her hand.

"I figured out by accident." she said. "I was in a falling car. Long story."

"Hey, you don't . . you don't believe what the police are saying, do you?" Peter asked Gwen quietly.

Gwen shook her head. "Of course not." After a pause, she asked, "Does it scare you? What you can do?"

"No, no." Peter said with a grin. "It actually came in handy the other night." he said with a glance at Callie, who grinned back and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"What did that thing on the bridge look like?" Gwen asked, and Callie picked up on something in her voice that sounded almost like worry.

"Big scary giant lizard dinosaur thing?" Callie stated. "I didn't get a good look at it, but I remember something weird―it walked on two legs, like a human."

"But it was really big―too big to be human. " Peter added.

Gwen looked at him. "You gotta lay low."

"No, I can't do that." Peter dismissed immediately.

"You have to." Gwen insisted. "I mean, why . ."

"Because of last night." he answered. "Those people on the bridge―Callie―whatever was attacking them would've killed them. So I gotta go after it."

"That's not you job."

"Gwen, trust me, I already tried this." Callie said. "He's kinda already set on this. And really fricken stubborn. And annoying." she said, making Peter roll his eyes. "But he's the only one who seems to care about this, and I think that that's the only thing that really matters right now. Having someone to keep people safe."

Callie knew that Gwen was right―that gallivanting around in a mask and running after a man-killing monster was the opposite of smart, but she knew firsthand what it felt like to be in danger. She wanted to prevent as many people from feeling the way she did when she was trapped in that car, and it seemed that Peter was the best one to do that.

Gwen glanced between them as if decided whether she should go on or give up. "You're really not gonna budge?"

She continued to frown as both of them shook their heads. "I'll see you in class. Callie, can you try to talk some sense into him while I'm gone?"

Callie saluted Gwen. "I shall try valiantly, Captain Stacy."

Gwen rolled her eyes but grinned. "Very funny."

"I know."

Gwen walked away and Callie straightened up. "Well, I guess I'll give it one more shot, for Gwen's sake." she shrugged before making her voice low and serious. "Peter Parker, this is your last chance. Either give up your super cool very awesome super powers for good and promise not to fight a very scary super dangerous lizard monster or die."

Peter grinned and shrugged. "Guess I'll die."

"My skills of persuasion fail me yet again." Callie said sarcastically. Peter shook his head and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her in closer. She squinted out over the sunny field, where the football team was running drills. She barely had time to notice as a football came flying towards her face and Peter caught it. He threw it back with what looked like no effort, but it flew back and hit the goal post so hard that the post bent. Callie's jaw dropped as almost the entire football team started yelling in confusion and looking over at them.

"Act natural, act natural!" she whisper-shouted, keeping her head down. "God, I don't think I'll ever get used to that."

Peter laughed, keeping his head down too. He glanced over at Callie. "Are you free right now?"

She looked sideways in confusion. "It's called a free track for a reason, Peter."

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