When Evie wakes up, she's laying down and she notices she's in a dimly lit room. The walls seem to be made out of stone or cement or something, it's took dark for her to tell as she's basically in the middle of the room.
Evie tries to bring her hands to her face, but doesn't get far as her hands seem unable to move. She looks down to see them restrained to the table she's laying on. She looks further down and sees her waist and ankles bounded to the table as well. She immediately gets teary eyes, unable to stop the tears from falling.
She just wants her dad.
There's a sound of a door opening and she looks up to find Crowley walk in.
"Well, isn't this wonderful? Little Moose has awoken." Crowley smiles.
"I want my daddy." Evie cries.
"Yes, yes, of course. Well, I have better plans for you than to return to the Moose and Squirrel. Well, as yourself anyway." Crowley smirks.
"You're mean." Evie whimpers, sniffling.
"I prefer the term... ambitious." Crowley says. He pulls over a tray and Evie looks over to see an IV bag full of blood and Crowley is setting it all up, picking the needle up.
"You'll be going back to the two dimwits as a low powered demon-- just the average powers-- and hopefully you become one quick enough, you'll be able to spy on them for me." Crowley says, finishing everything up.
Evie begins to squirm, not wanting to be turned into a demon. She remembers what her dad was like when he had those powers when she was younger and he scared her the stronger he got. She knows he had the chance of turning into a demon if he never stopped and she couldn't imagine how much more scared of him she would've been had it happened.
She's already scared of the demons now-- aside from Meg-- the last thing she wants to do is become one. Besides, wouldn't her dad and uncle have to kill her once they found out what she was? She doesn't want to die.
"Settle down, Mouse." Crowley orders. He grabs her arm closest to the IV bag and taps it, finding the vein. "Hope you're ready to have a much better life soon." He smirks at her.
Crowley inserts the needle into her arm, putting tape over it to secure it. He looks at the crying child, proud of his plan.
"I'll be back to check on your progress." Crowley states before leaving.
Evie continues to cry, helplessly watching as the blood travels from the bag into her arm.
Evie doesn't know how long it's been when Crowley comes back in the room.
"My little demon in the making. Feeling, shall we say... demon-y yet?" Crowley asks.
"Please just let me go home." Evie pleads, sniffling, but having run out of tears for the time being.
"I will. After the change." Crowley states. "Given your weak looking nature and tears, I presume you're not any more one of my kind. See you later then."

Let Me Down Slowly Δ SPN [ 2 ]
Fanfiction[ supernatural -- seasons 6-11 ] Evie Winchester Series: Lovely Let me Down Slowly Beginning of the End I DO NOT own Supernatural, any of the show's characters, or storylines. I ONLY own my OCs and their storylines. I got inspiration for the title f...