After Crowley calling them and saying that he's in a jam, they went to where he said he was, much to Evie's hesitation on going with them. She hasn't seen him since he made her a demon and she doesn't think she's ready to.
They get to his hotel room and get inside. The door opens and Crowley walks in.
"Hello, boys, child." Crowley greets.
Evie hides behind her dad, holding his hand, and Sam glares at Crowley.
"And what do you call this?" Dean asks, kicking a dead body on the floor.
"Refreshments?" Crowley asks.
"What's in the bag, Crowley?" Sam asks.
"Nothing." Crowley states.
"Really? Maybe I can, uh..." Sam reaches for the bag and tears it open to find a blood bag filled with AB Negative. "What, are you knocking over blood banks?"
Sam grabs Crowley's arm and Dean swings a chair around. They shove him into the chair and handcuff him, Evie moving to the other side so she's still behind her dad.
"Come on, guys." Crowley groans.
"Look at you. You're a mess. You know, we were counting on you. You let us down." Dean says.
"Your slimy followers were counting on you to kill Abaddon, and you let them down." Sam says.
"The man with all the mojo... Captain Evil." Dean says.
"Oh, it's pathetic." Sam says.
"What is this? An intervention?" Crowley asks.
"You need to focus, Crowley. Get a grip!" Sam tells him.
"What, you just gonna let Hell go to Hell?" Dean asks.
"You don't know what it's like to be human!" Crowley exclaims. "It's your DNA. It's my addiction, my cross, my burden!"
"All right, take it easy." Dean mumbles.
"I see the darkness of it now, the Anthony Weiner of it. It makes you needy. I needed her. Lola used me. She reported everything I did back to Abaddon." Crowley states.
"Crowley... did you tell her about the first blade?" Sam asks.
"I don't know. Things get a trifle blurry when I'm medicated." Crowley says.
"Great. If he told Lola, she definitely told Abaddon." Sam states.
"Which means that Abaddon's in the hunt for this thing, too. All right, you know what? This crap ends now. You're cut off. Okay? Kicking it. Cold turkey." Dean states.
They have Crowley in the dungeon again and Sam is in the room with him and he has his laptop.
"Back in this fetid pit. Could at least have added some throw pillows." Crowley says.

Let Me Down Slowly Δ SPN [ 2 ]
Fanfiction[ supernatural -- seasons 6-11 ] Evie Winchester Series: Lovely Let me Down Slowly Beginning of the End I DO NOT own Supernatural, any of the show's characters, or storylines. I ONLY own my OCs and their storylines. I got inspiration for the title f...