It's been 3 weeks since Bobby died. They haven't done much, but Dean hasn't stopped looking for Dick Roman. Sam tries to keep Evie distracted from his revenge fueled brother and tries to not keep Evie surrounded by a completely somber environment. Of course he's still grieving Bobby, as are Dean and Evie, but he knows it's no good to dwell in the grief.
Evie still has the cast on her leg. It's now adorned by her little drawings and some of Sam's doodles along with his name. She got Dean to put his name on it after crying because he said no since he was busy looking for the leviathans.
Dean is currently at the board of research while Evie sits on the couch coloring and Sam gets a beer out of the fridge.
"Dean, you know, um... I wonder if-- if we... I mean, should we be telling people? I mean, people he knew." Sam says.
"How long ago did I give Frank these numbers? It's been a few weeks, right? What, is he nuts, or is he just being rude?" Dean asks.
"Probably both. Dean, I-I got to ask you a question." Sam says.
"Unless, of course, something happened to him. He can't get to the phone because a leviathan ate his face." Dean says, not registering Sam.
"Yeah, also a possibility." Sam mutters. He looks at Evie and sees her tongue slightly poking out in concentration so he knows she's too focused on coloring to hear their conversation. Or lack thereof one.
"We should go check on him." Dean says.
"Dean, do you want to call Bobby's people or not?" Sam asks.
"W-why is-- why is that our job?" Dean asks.
"Because who else is gonna do it?" Sam shrugs.
"I'm not calling anybody. You kidding me?" Dean says.
A phone from one of the two duffel bags on the table rings.
"Well, I'm not getting it." Dean says. Sam sighs and goes through the bag, pulling the phone out and answering it.
"Hello?" Sam asks. "Uh, no. He's, uh... I-I-It's not, but I'm a friend of his." "He's... not here, but, look, if you need s--"
"Who was it?" Dean asks after Sam lowers the phone.
"Just some kid." Sam says.
"For Bobby? Girl Scout cookies?" Dean asks.
"I think maybe..." Sam trails off. "Maybe a hunter's kid? I mean, she sounded pretty scared. You know, I have a caller ID. Maybe we should go find her. We-- we can check on her."
"What about Frank?" Dean asks.
"Well, Dean, I think we should go find this girl first." Sam says.
"Sam, Frank's been working on the numbers that Bobby spent his last breath on, and you want to back burner that?" Dean asks. Sam doesn't say anything. "Fine. You go check out girl scout. I'll find Frank."
"Fine. But you know what? On one condition-- if Frank is just spinning his wheels, then you bail out on crazy and come meet me." Sam says.

Let Me Down Slowly Δ SPN [ 2 ]
Fanfiction[ supernatural -- seasons 6-11 ] Evie Winchester Series: Lovely Let me Down Slowly Beginning of the End I DO NOT own Supernatural, any of the show's characters, or storylines. I ONLY own my OCs and their storylines. I got inspiration for the title f...