They're in a cabin in the middle of the woods and it's nighttime. They're on a werewolf case and the brothers didn't want to leave Evie in the car since it's miles away and they didn't know if the werewolf could find her so they brought her with them as a slight form of protection.
Currently, Sam and Dean are fighting the werewolves while Evie stays back and the two victims are alive, but still have their hands handcuffed above their heads as the brothers haven't had a chance to get to them yet.
The werewolf kicks the gun out of Sam's hand and tries to stomp on his chest, but Sam rolls out of the way just in time. He dodges another hit and holds the werewolf's foot, pushing him off balance. Sam tries to stab him, but misses.
Dean is in his own fight, mostly throwing punches with the other werewolf. The werewolf puts Dean in a headlock, but the Winchester shoves him away. The werewolf barrels Dean into a glass cabinet.
Both brothers continue fighting the werewolves. The werewolf fighting Dean gets the upper hand and Sam is too busy in his own fight to notice. Evie sees the knife on the floor and decides to go for it.
Evie runs over to the knife and quickly stabs the werewolf in the back. The werewolf falls to the ground dead as Dean looks at Evie in shock.
"Where the hell did that come from?" Dean asks.
"I... I don't know." Evie mumbles, shrugging. They taught her how to use all the weapons, but she hasn't ever really done anything on a hunt, especially kill a monster.
Evie is too busy watching Dean take the knife out of the now dead werewolf to notice the gun pointed at her.
Sam, however, sees the weapon aiming for his daughter. The werewolf pulls the trigger just as Sam pushes Evie out of the line of fire, taking the bullet himself. He falls to his knees, blood gushing out of his abdomen.
Evie and Dean stare at him horrified, watching him fall completely to the ground.
Dean quickly killed the other werewolf while Evie rushes to Sam's side, tears clouding her eyes.
Dean rushes over with a first aid kit and kneels on the other side of Sam.
"Hey, Dean, they, uh..." Sam weakly gestures to the couple.
"Okay, just hold tight, you two, okay?" Dean tells the couple before turning to his brother. "All right, listen, we got to get that bullet out of there, okay? This is gonna hurt like Hell." Dean says, heating up a pair of tweezers.
Evie grabs Sam's hand and holds it, him doing the same when she's about to go through something painful and he would always do it whenever he had to rip a band-aid off.
"Here. Might need that." Dean says, placing a roll of gauze in Sam's mouth for him to bite down on. Dean goes into the wound, trying to find the bullet, as Sam groans in pain, the volume slightly muffled by the bandage.
Evie winces as Sam squeezes her hand, pain shooting through it as he practically almost breaks her hand.
Eventually Dean gets the bullet out, making both Sam and Evie sigh at the lack of pain, Sam's hand loosening on her own. Sam spits the roll of gauze out.

Let Me Down Slowly Δ SPN [ 2 ]
Fanfiction[ supernatural -- seasons 6-11 ] Evie Winchester Series: Lovely Let me Down Slowly Beginning of the End I DO NOT own Supernatural, any of the show's characters, or storylines. I ONLY own my OCs and their storylines. I got inspiration for the title f...