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evie winchester
[the traumatized child]
scarlett estevez

evie winchester[the traumatized child]scarlett estevez

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"you killed spider-man?"

sam winchester
[the health freak]
jared padalecki

sam winchester[the health freak]jared padalecki

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"thank you for doctoring me, but i'm okay."

dean winchester
[the alcoholic]
jensen ackles

dean winchester[the alcoholic]jensen ackles

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"focus on eating your lunchable."

[the confused, blunt angel]
misha collins

castiel[the confused, blunt angel]misha collins

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"thank you for the hug."

bobby singer
jim beaver

mark sheppard

samuel campbell
mitch pileggi

lisa braeden
cindy sampson

sebastian roche

ben braeden
nicholas elia

gwen campbell
jessica heafey

christian campbell
corin nemec

julia maxwell/samantha smith

rufus turner
steven williams

meg masters
rachel miner

jody mills
kim rhodes

julian richings

garth fitzgerald iv
dj qualls

dick roman
james patrick stuart

mark pellegrino

kevin tran
osric chau

charlie bradbury
felicia day

becky rosen
emily perkins

amelia richardson
liane balaban

benny lafitte
ty olsson

curtis armstrong

alaina huffman

tahmoh penikett/jared padalecki

ed zeddmore
a.j. buckley

harry spangler
travis wester

donna hanscum
briana buckmaster

timothy omundson

alex jones
katherine ramdeen

chuck shurley/god
rob benedict

rowena macleod
ruth connell

claire novak
kathryn newton

amara/the darkness
emily swallow

lisa berry

eileen leahy
shoshannah stern

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