1~Coming out~

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Hinata POV

Should I tell him?

Hinata sat criss-cross on the floor of Kenma's bedroom. It was about one in the morning, Kenma was 5 hours through strip mining, and Hinata was starting to get bored. Kenma's room looked like a cave. Other than the LED lights, it was completely pitch black. The tv was at full brightness, and Hinata's eyes were burning off. All of the surfaces in his room were completely blanketed in Monster energy drinks and snickers wrappers. The rhythmic pattern of stone breaking,  combined with the calming Minecraft music made him want to fall asleep, but the unholy sound of the dirt made it hard to enjoy. 

Kenma was wearing his favorite bubblegum pink cat ear headset, although Hinata could still hear all of the sounds coming from the console. He just assumed Kenma wanted to look cool. Kenma sat like a hunchback, and looked like his neck was about to to snap off. How does he sit like that for five hours? He probably does that everyday.  The window was cracked open, the slight breeze softly blew his hair. I'm glad he's at least getting some air.

All night Hinata had been obsessing over the thought of one boy. 



"Have you ever liked anybody?"

Kenma looked away from the screen for the first time in 6 hours. The dark circles under his eyes got worse every day. 

He looked back at the screen and continued mining. "Nope, not really."


Kenma saved and shut off the game. "Why? Do you like someone?"


"You do. Don't you?"

Should I tell him? If he doesn't accept me... then what will I do? I don't want to lose our friendship... and it's 1am, I can't go home right now!

"Hinataaa... I know you do. so spill."

"Well maybe I do, but I'm not even sure yet. I've just been thinking about him a lot..."


Hinata started sweating. I didn't mean to say him! It just slipped out!

"Who is it? I wanna knoooww...." Kenma whined.

"Well.. it's uh.." Hinata stuttered.

"Well... it's K- Kageyama..." Hinata whispered.

Kenma smirked. "What was that? I couldn't hear you."

Hinata's face heated up. "It's uh... Kageyama."

"I'm sorry, my ears are blasted from the Minecraft music. You're going to have to speak a little louder," Kenma teased.

Hinata turned bright red. "IT'S KAGEYAMA!" 

"I knew it. You're not very good at keeping secrets Hinata." Kenma giggled.

"Shut up!" Hinata hid under the blanket. after a minute of gay panic, he peeked out from underneath it. "Was I really that obvious?"

"Yes." Kenma said with a straight face.

Kenma turned around to face Hinata.

"How long has it been?"

"Well, I'm not really sure how long it's been, just happened over time I guess."

They continued to talk for a couple hours. The subject of Kageyama gave Hinata the energy to stay up to 4, although this was still too early for Kenma to sleep.

Around 5, Kenma fell asleep under his Minecraft bed sheets, Hinata on the left, while Kenma slept on the right. The birds were already starting to chirp and Hinata lay there completely still, his mind full of thoughts of the raven haired boy. He hasn't said anything about me liking a boy... I guess he doesn't mind? I hope he doesn't. But I have to see Kageyama tomorrow at school... I'm going to be a mess! I haven't gotten any sleep... I'll end up with Kenma's eye bags! Hinata struggled to fall asleep in order to avoid that fear, but the thought of seeing Kageyama the next day made it impossible.

After about three hours of sleep, The boys got out of bed to go make breakfast. Well, Hinata dragged Kenma out of bed. Hinata went to the pantry to grab some rice, while Kenma just grabbed a half full energy drink.

"Isn't that warm now?" Hinata questioned while cracking a few eggs into a bowl. Hinata came over all the time, so he already knew where all of the food and dishes were.

"Yeah, but what else am I going to drink? I need to wake up after you dragged me out of bed at the crack of dawn," Kenma complained as he took a sip.

"Oh please, it's 8 am. and can't you drink some coffee instead?"

"Don't like it." Kenma answered.

"Well at least eat something. I can make you some rice and an omelet if you want. Or maybe some miso soup?" Hinata asked as he poured in some egg.

"I haven't had breakfast since junior high." Kenma admitted as he sat down at the counter.

Hinata looked away from the stove and over at Kenma. "Really Kenma? You've got to eat!" Hinata insisted. He cracked two more eggs into the bowl. "You're going to eat whether you like it or not." Hinata smiled, clearly proud of himself.

Normally Kenma would decline, but he couldn't resist the satisfied look on Hinata's face.

Hinata got out his chopsticks to flip the fist omelet, but touched the pan by accident.

"Ow!" Hinata yelped and jumped away from the stove. Kenma leapt up and ran over to him.

"Woah are you okay?" Kenma asked with concern.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little burn." Hinata giggled, and went to grab some ice.

Hinata put the plates and bowls down on the rarely used table.

Kenma sat down for his first breakfast in three years. The only other things he eats are what Kuroo forces him to eat at school. Kuroo always packs an extra boxed lunch for Kenma, and makes him eat it. Other than that, just chips, Candy, and junk food.

Kenma hesitantly picked up his chopsticks to get some rice.

"I'm not sure if I can trust you to make food correctly." Kenma teased Hinata.

"Oh shut up Kenma I cook all the time." Hinata smiled as he took a sip of his soup.

Hinata went outside to meet his mother, while he waved at Kenma.

"See you next week! we can talk more!" Hinata yelled.

"Yeah, see you." Kenma smiled.

Hinata jumped into the passenger's seat.

"So," Hinata's mom looked over at him. "What did you guys talk about?"

Clementine (Kagehina)Where stories live. Discover now