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Kageyama POV

Tobio watched his boyfriend very carefully, not that he would ever tell him that. From being an introvert for so long, he got very good at reading body language, since he wasn't very good at the verbal kind. He watched him run, play, spike, socialize, sleep, and got a very good idea of what his 'normal' is. 

Recently, he noticed that Hinata has not been his 'normal' self, and he's trying to hide it.

He doesn't put in as much effort into racing, he doesn't hug as tight as he used to, he doesn't spike as hard, he wakes up earlier, he socializes and talks less, and he's not as sunny. Hinata's sun is what lit up the setter's life, and it's getting dark again without it. It's getting cold.

At lunch on Mondays, the two eat together on the roof. Kageyama always makes lunch for them the night beforehand. Hinata always used to start a conversation, because he knew the setter always had difficulty with it. But now, he just eats in silence.

He looked around him, to make sure nobody was listening. "Hinata, tell me what's happening."

Hinata looked up at him with full cheeks. "What do you mean? I'm eating?"

"No, dumbass. You know what I'm talking about. I'm not blind you know."

Hinata took another bite, trying to ignore the conversation. "Listen, I've got no idea what you're talking about, you're going to have to be a little more specific."

"Don't fuck with me, Hinata!" The setter yelled, breaking through his stubbornness, and startling the older boy. "I'm not going to let you deal with your problems alone! The last thing you need is to become more like me."

Shoyo let his head down in shame. "Don't say that Tobio."

Kageyama grabbed his boyfriend's chopsticks from his hand. "Talk. I wan- I need to help you."

The boy sighed and gripped onto his bento box. "I just feel bad for lying to everyone for this long... you know? I wish we could tell them, and then we wouldn't have to worry, but we can't or your dad will find out," he stared down at his shoes. "To be honest, keeping this a secret is really starting to stress me out, and it's starting to feel more like a hassle than a benefit."

Kageyama also looked down at the ground.

Maybe it's time I take a chance... He's worth the risk... right?

"Look Tobio, I love you, and I don't want to hurt you, or see you get hurt, but if something doesn't change soon, I don't know what I'll do."

"Hinata," Kageyama stood up. "You're not..."

"No," the smaller boy began. "I'm not breaking up with you. I'm just saying, I don't know how much longer I can do this."

The setter sat in silence, his mind wavering between options, and his heart being tugged at by guilt. 

After a few minutes, he handed the chopsticks back to his boyfriend. "I need to go think... alone," he started walking away, ignoring the other one calling him. "Make sure you eat, Shoyo."

After he was out of sight, Kageyama started running. He bolted past all the people that would stare at him, not caring about the extra attention now. All of the people that would judge him because of how he looked, all of the people that wouldn't understand. All of the people that couldn't know, the one's who could easily pass the information to his father. The ones that terrified him.

Noya POV

The libero leaned on the wall in the hallway, talking to Tanaka. He was only half-listening, as he saw someone a little too-familiar bolt in through the bathroom door. luckily, his bestfriend was facing the opposite direction, and this particular person happened to be a quiet one.

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