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Daichi POV

Daichi waited at the corner of the street for his silver-haired boyfriend. He spotted Suga walking up to the lamp post, then started running towards him, waving, and showing off the beautiful smile that he fell in love with.

"Hey Suga," Daichi said with a smile, as he grabbed his shoulder to give him a good morning kiss.

"Hey hun!" Suga smiled after he kissed him back.

"So," Daichi questioned. "What have you learned?"

Suga smirked. "Many things."

Time skip- 10 minutes later

"I knew it!" Daichi yelled, showing off his perfect smile. 

They laughed and talked on their way over to the two awkward lovebirds.

Hinata and Kageyama stood awkwardly at the entrance door to the gym. Hinata decided that his volleyball was the most interesting thing in the world, and stared intensely at it, doing anything to avoid looking at Kageyama. 

"I thought for sure you two would be off practicing by now!" Daichi laughed. "What are you doing standing so awkwardly in front of the door?"

Daichi smirked at Suga. I know what they wanted to be doing.


Kiyoko POV

Kiyoko arrived with Yachi to the gym to join the boys. She noticed Daichi and Suga talking in the  corner. I've known them for long enough to know this is about those two.

"What happened with Kageyama, Suga?" She asked.

"How did you know it was about that?" Suga asked, astonished with Kiyoko's instincts.

"Well, I'm not surprised." Daichi admitted. "It is Kiyoko after all. Well in any case, we have some very important information to share." Daichi smirked, and the three of them huddled in together.

All of a sudden, Kiyoko felt a hand on her shoulder.

"What are you guys talking about?" Tanaka blurted out. 

Suga and Daichi jumped. Kiyoko turned around and moved Tanaka's hand off her shoulder. "Just game plans." She stated.

"KIYOKO TOUCHED MY HAND!" Tanaka screamed.

"WAIT DUDE REALY?!" Noya screamed back at him.

"I'M NEVER WASHING THIS HAND!" Tanaka started crying in the middle of the gym.

"Okay, okay, pack it up. We're about to get started." Daichi knocked them both on the heads.

Once again, Kageyama and Hinata failed to do their quick attack successfully. Not one receive was flawless, not one serve made it to the other side of the net, and not one of Hinata's spikes made it past the blocker during their practice games.

"Are you guys okay?" Asahi walked over to Hinata and Kageyama as they sat on the ground during break. "You guys seemed to be spacing out all day today, did something happen?" Asahi looked over at them with concern.

"Oh, uh yeah I guess I'm just having an off day..." Kageyama stuttered. Hinata just sat and stayed as a blushing mess. 

But that half-assed lie wouldn't be able to convince anyone- even Asahi.

After practice, neither Kageyama nor Hinata stayed after to train. Instead, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi did. It was kind of odd, but nobody questioned it.

Hinata and Kageyama always end up walking to school together, because their houses are on the same street. 

Hinata held the handles of his bike, dragging it behind him. Kageyama held his bag over his shoulder, every once in a while taking a glance at Hinata. 

Kageyama POV

What the hell do I say to him? He's never this quiet... usually he's the one spouting out everything he knows about the Tiny Giant or whatever. What is going on with him? What is going on with me?

"So uh.." Kageyama muttered. "What the hell was going on with you today? Your receives were even shittier than usual, a- and not one of your spikes make is past the blockers!"

"Yeah well what about what you were doing?" Hinata yelled back. "None of your sets even came close to my hand! Not to mention-"

"YOU WERE STARING AT ME!" They both screamed at the same time.

Their expressions changed from furious to completely taken back.

"W- well uh" Hinata stuttered. "Yeah I was staring at you... But why were you staring at me?

"I um..." Kageyama stuttered. 

Hinata and Kageyama stood under a street light, awkwardly looking at their shoes.

Kageyama looked up at Hinata, and looked into his beautiful, bright hazel eyes. He admired his beautiful, orange, fluffy hair that seemed to glow in the light. He looks like a little kid  getting yelled at by his parents... so cute.

Kageyama slapped his hand over his mouth, and turned an even brighter red.

Cute!? what the hell am I thinking?

Kageyama dropped his bag from his shoulder onto the ground, and stepped forwards.

Hinata backed up onto into the lamppost as Kageyama stepped up again. 

"K- Kagey-" Hinata was silenced when he felt another pair of lips on his own. Hinata stared at Kageyama's face so close to his own.

What the hell did I just do? 

Kageyama backed up and took his hands off of Hinata's. 

"I-" Kageyama turned away from him. "I'm s- sorry I should've aske-"

Hinata grabbed Kageyama's bag and turned him around. He grabbed his face and bent him down to his level. This time Kageyama was the one that got shut up.

Hinata wrapped his arms around Kageyama's neck and gently kissed him. This time, Kageyama was able to prepare himself, and kissed back.

After they separated, both turned away and covered their faces in embarrassment. 

When they recovered from their gay panic, Kageyama picked up his bag.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to do that." Hinata giggled.

"Well, I'm glad that I did." Kageyama smiled and looked down at Hinata. "You want to go get some meat buns? I don't want to go home just yet." Kageyama smiled at the thought of spending the evening with Hinata.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun!" Hinata smiled at Kageyama in relief. You could see the weight lifted off his shoulders.

Kageyama and Hinata continued their walk, this time to the convenience store, and much more comfortably. Oh my god. OUR ARMS ARE TOUCHING. WHAT DO I DO? Do I move away?

They walked over to the Sakanoshita convenience store. Just as they approached the door, Kageyama remembered that Coach Ukai would be inside.

Kageyama immediately moved away from Hinata.

"What's wrong Kageyama?" Hinata looked over to Kageyama in confusion.

"Well," Kageyama muttered. "I just... Coach Ukai is in there..."

"Oh, right! Well that would a great time to tell him about... well.. us." Hinata trailed off.

"Oh well, I just don't really want to tell anyone yet." Kageyama admitted. "If my parents ever found out, I don't know what they'd do to me."

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