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Hinata POV

The early morning sunrays peeking out from in between the curtains blanketing the window, highlighted the creases in the sheets. Hinata laid on top of his boyfriend, the bright orange highlights in his hair glowing like a street light. Kageyama wrapped his free hand around his companion, hugging him close. The soft light painted the bare skin of the two boys, and warmed them.

The aroma of spring and blooming cherry blossoms filled the small room. The sound of sweet bird calls chimed from outside, and the smell of fresh grilled salmon flooded in from the hallway.

The loud, aggravating beep of the alarm disrupted the peaceful atmosphere, making the two boys groan in annoyance.

As the setter leaned over to shut off the irritant, Hinata sadly separated himself from his tall counterpart, and got up.

The ginger walked into the bathroom and tiredly splashed his face with cold water, eager to wake up. He rubbed his eyes and dried his face, before gasping in shock.

The boy stared at his neck in horror.

The dark purple and red circles were spotted around his jawbone, neck, collarbone, and various places on his chest and stomach. The spiker touched one, and hissed at the sting.

Jesus Christ Tobio... you really went to town, huh?

His head flooded with flashbacks from the night before.

Kageyama flipped the smaller one underneath him, as he was distracted watching the libero leave. He once again held the boy's tiny hands over his head with his free arm, but this time he pinned the boy down by straddling himself on top of him. The raven-haired boy ripped the shirt off of his small boyfriend, and began roughly kissing him. Hinata struggled to keep up, mostly letting the setter do the work, and slowly giving up on his dreams of being a top. He sucked on the spiker's soft lips, suffocating him, and only giving him seconds to breathe. After a few minutes, he made his way downwards, sucking and kissing on the boys jawline, leaving marks along the way. Hinata let out small whines as the setter continued down his neck, and collarbone. The spiker whimpered as Tobio began at his chest, teasing the boy. 

Hinata snapped out of the memory, and covered his face in embarrassment. 

He waltzed back into the bedroom, and faced the dark-haired boy.

"Kageyama, what the hell am I going to do about this?!" he grabbed the boy by the collar and pointed at the marks.

"About what?" Kageyama looked up at the boy, not able to see them in the darkness. 

Hinata walked to the opposite side of the room and flipped the light switch. 

"Ooh, I see now. That's gotta hurt, huh?" The setter hissed at the bruises. He giggled, and looked down at his own chest. "Well, would you look at that? Looks like I don't have any on myself," he teased.

"Oh, shut up!" Hinata hit the boy, making him groan out in pain and cling to his chest.

"Woah, chill out, I'm sorry," he went to go get more clothes.

"Hey! Don't ignore me! I can't go to school like this!"

Kageyama held his shirt in his hands, and paused to think. "Well, I guess we could just use makeup again..."

"No, we can't," Hinata blurted out.


"Well, first of all we already used most of what little makeup we had on you, and that was because we had an excuse we could tell my mom about," he explained. "But if my mom sees these-" he pointed at his own neck and chest. "She's going to kill both of us."

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