2~Blueberry Eyes~

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Hinata POV

Hinata sat in his bathroom staring at himself.

"Do I have dark circles? Jeez I never should have let Kenma convince me to stay up that late..." Hinata obsessed over his face. "I hope Kageyama doesn't notice..." He said as he splashed his face with water.

That night, just like the one before, Hinata couldn't sleep. He spent all night worrying about what Kageyama thought of him. 

"He would never like someone like me." Hinata said to himself. "He's quiet and cool, the perfect teenager. I'm still the height of a middle schooler!" Hinata stuffed his face into his pillow. 

Kageyama POV

Kageyama woke up in his empty apartment. He crawled out of bed and got changed. He went downstairs and made some rice and eggs. Kageyama's parents only come home late to get changed and sleep, and that's if they even come home at all. They're workaholics, and are obsessed with money. So much so, that they sacrificed their relationship with their son.

Kageyama grabbed his school and volleyball bag , then headed out the door to meet his favorite orange haired ball of sunshine. (Although he would never tell him that)

Kageyama made it to the front gate, then noticed Hinata's bike already on the rack.

"Oh that little dumbass is going to beat me there!" Kageyama growled, and started racing to the gym. As he approached, he noticed Hinata standing at the door with a smile that could light up your life.

"Hey Kageyama. Looks like I win today!" Hinata smiled, exposing his sunshine of a personality. "You were so late, that I even had time to get something from the vending machine!" Hinata held out a carton of milk to Kageyama.

"Boke Hinata!" Kageyama spat as he tried to hide his blush. He snatched the carton from Hinata's hand as Hinata laughed at him. "I'll beat you next time you little squirt." Why the hell am I blushing?? At the little dumbass?

"Heyo!" Sugawara called from the entrance.

"Hi Sugawara-Senpai! Hi Captain! You ready to start practice?" Hinata called excitedly, bouncing up and down.

"How do you have this much energy in the morning?" Daichi laughed as he unlocked the door.

Hinata and Kageyama immediately started setting up and practicing, while the other teammates started arriving, usually in pairs.

Time skip- 20 minutes later

Hinata POV

"Alright guys take a 5 minute break!" Daichi yelled across the gym.

People filed over to Yachi and Kyoko, who were handing out water bottles.

Hinata sat down on the bench and took a drink of water, while wiping the sweat from his brow. Kageyama sat down next to him, and tilted his head back to take a drink of water.

Hinata stared at Kageyama, not really thinking about how he might react. Hinata stared at his eyes. I never noticed how beautiful his eyes are. They're a deep blue, like ripe blueberries, my favorite fruit. But they're not the gross sour ones that nobody likes. His are the ones that taste like heaven, perfectly ripe and round. Not the weird lumpy ones, or the ones that taste off. His are the perfect ones. The blueberries that make them my favorite fruit. 

Hinata stared at Kageyama in awe, not noticing Kageyama staring back at him.

Kageyama POV

Why the hell is he looking at me like that? Well I guess his eyes are really cute...

"Alright lovebirds break it up!" Daichi yelled to us from where Yachi and Kyoko stood, collecting water bottles and towels.

Hinata and Kageyama jumped.

What the hell was I just thinking about?? Hinata's eyes aren't "cute" at all! What is wrong with me?

Kageyama stood up while Hinata jumped up with him, his face awfully red now. 

"C-cmon boke" he stuttered.

Hinata nodded and turned away from him, and they went back to practice.

For the rest of the day, Kageyama was thrown off his game, and it didn't go unnoticed.

Hinata POV

Hinata sat in his least favorite class of the day, math. He was doodling on his paper, completely ignoring whatever boring lesson he was getting from the teacher. His mind was blank. Completely blank, except for the image of a certain someone's ocean eyes.


Hinata jumped. "Uh, yes sir?"

"I asked you, what is the answer to number #9?"

Hinata had to stop himself from using Kageyama's name as an answer to that question. Jeez, he's all I can think about. Focus Hinata! "Oh, uh 22y sir," Hinata stuttered.

"Good, now pay attention." The teacher yelled.

Hinata sat back down and looked at his paper. On it were the same eyes he saw at practice, the eyes he fell in love with.

Time skip- Afternoon practice

3rd person POV

Kageyama and Hinata were a mess. Not once that day did they succeed in doing their quick attack.

"What is happening with you guys today?" Nishinoya ran over to us laughing.

"Who the hell are you laughing at?" Kageyama threatened.

"Woah calm yourself king." Tsukishima smirked at Kageyama. "I just think it's funny that you haven't been able to do anything but stare into space today."

"Shut the hell up dinosaur boy." Kageyama spat as Daichi dismissed us.

Hinata and Kageyama walked home together, since Hinata's house was on the way. Each of them stood with their fists balled, not daring to say the first word. Every once in a while, one would look over at the other, then quickly look away before the other one noticed.

"So, uh why were you staring at me during break today?" Kageyama questioned.

Hinata went red, and his face started burning up. "Oh well uh..." He stuttered. "I guess I was just zoning out or something..." He said, rubbing the back of his head.

Kageyama wasn't buying it.

Kageyama POV

What the hell do I say? I can't just ask him why he's lying, I'm just gonna seem even more shady! Well I could at least say I didn't mind it...

At that moment, they arrived at Hinata's small, two story house.

"Well I guess I'll be going now!" Hinata said quickly, as he backed away. "I'll see you tomorrow!" Hinata ran into his house. Kageyama watched to make sure he got inside okay, then made his way back to his empty apartment, to yet another night alone.

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