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Kageyama POV

Kageyama and Hinata walked home together after practice on Thursday.

"Ah, another successful day of keeping our little secret!" Hinata sighed.

"Yeah, not so much 'keeping' it, more like, 'convincing everyone else that the secret isn't important'. They all obviously know that we're hiding something." Kageyama sighed and moved his bag to the other shoulder. "In case you haven't noticed, we're not very good liars."

"What is our secret anyways?" Hinata asked. Kageyama looked over to him with a confused expression.

"Uh..." He paused. "That we... kissed?" He trailed off.

"Well, yeah, but what are we?"

Kageyama looked over at Hinata and realized what he meant. 

We've never confirmed what we are to each other. He's right. We never really said anything about how we felt that night.

Kageyama thought back to the night he stayed late after practice to talk to Suga. 

"Well, if you don't want to tell him face-to-face," Suga smiled. "Just write him a letter! You can just leave it in his locker or something. That's what Daichi did for me!"

Kageyama smiled. "You'll find out soon enough."

The next day-

Hinata POV

Hinata raced to the gym, and found that Kageyama hadn't arrived yet. Ha! looks like I beat him again. But why is he so late? Hinata looked around the area and noticed Kageyama walking out through the school. He walked over to the gym and saw Hinata looking at him like he had three heads.

"What were you doing in the school building Kageyama?" Hinata questioned. "Don't tell me... You actually turned in an assignment?"

Kageyama rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up dumbass. And of course I didn't.. I just had to grab something from my locker."

Hinata wasn't buying it, and stared directly at Kageyama's face. Kageyama took offense to this action, and gave Hinata his usual, 'I hate you' face.

"The hell are you looking at squirt?" Kageyama threatened. 

"You're lying." Hinata answered, not taking his eyes off the setter.

How the hell does he know?? "What did you say to me?!" Kageyama yelled and started to pull on Hinata's hair. As the two boys fought with each other, Daichi and Sugawara arrived. 

"There they go again," Daichi sighed as he opened the door.

"Come on you guys, break it up!" Suga complained as he pulled them apart.

Hinata POV

After morning practice, Hinata walked to his locker to grab his books for the next class. When he opened it, a folded piece of paper fell out.

Confused, Hinata picked up the paper.


So you asked me what we are, and I don't really have an answer for you.

And it's not like I didn't have the guts to ask you in person or anything, but I do have a question.

Do you... want to be my boyfriend?

Hinata grasped the letter in his hands, and struggled to suppress his happiness. He didn't want the people around him to notice. But still, he couldn't hold back the wide grin on his face.

And it's totally ok if you don't want to or whatever, just, let me know I guess.


What an idiot... Hinata imagined the stupid look on Kageyama's face as he wrote the letter, and couldn't help but giggle at the nervous setter.

At lunch, Hinata ran to their lunch spot, where they ate with the other first years on the team. Kageyama saw Hinata approach excitedly, and covered his blush with his shirt. 

Hinata slipped a piece of paper to Kageyama as he walked by, and sat down with the others.

The tall boy looked down and unfolded the crumpled piece of lined paper.

of course I will

This time Kageyama was the one struggling to contain his smile, which was a rare thing for him to deal with. Because of his lack of experience, he failed miserably.

"What are you smiling at king? Tukishima pressed.

"Oh, shut the hell up four-eyes. Like you know what happiness feels like, you emotionless asshole."

"Oh, and you do? Wow, the king actually felt something!"

"Okay guys, why don't we stop fighting now?" Yamaguchi bravely attempted to break up the two boys. "Let's just have a nice lunch!" He looked over to Hinata desperately for assistance.

"Yeah Kageyama, cool it." Hinata grabbed Kageyama's shoulder, and he immediately calmed down, shifting his focus to how he would react to the little middle-blocker's touch.

Tsukishima added some snarky remark, but Kageyama wasn't listening. He was thankful for Hinata's touch, and his ability to immediately calm down any of his fights. He relaxed, and continued eating.

Time skip- Practice

Kageyama POV

Once everyone had gotten to the gym, Takada-Sensei sat the team down for an announcement. He stood with Coach Ukai, Kiyoko, and Yachi, who was looking extra nervous.

"Okay, I have an announcement, everyone!" Takada announced. "And it concerns you two," he specified, and pointed at the freak duo.

Kageyama and Hinata's palms started to sweat.

Did they figure us out? Did they find the letter?

Kageyama looked over at Hinata for answers, but he had none. They looked back over at Takada Sensei, praying for their lives.

"I saw how much the team has improved dramatically during the past few weeks, and I am so proud of all of you! Especially you two!" He looked back over to the two very nervous partners. "So, to show off how great our team has become, I scheduled us a 5 day trip to play a few practice games with Nekoma, and some of the other teams over there!" Takada stood tall, clutching his papers, as he put on a face that screamed, 'I begged for this, please be thankful'. 

The rest of the team, (mostly just Noya and Tanaka), cheered, while Hinata and Kageyama let out a sigh of relief.

Kiyoko and Yachi handed out consent forms, and Kageyama and Hinata took them gratefully. Not once had they ever been more thankful for paperwork.

After their extra practice, Hinata and Kageyama made their way home. 

"God, I was really worried there for a minute." Hinata sighed as he walked beside his tall boyfriend. "I thought they had us figured out."

"Yeah, that would've been really bad." Kageyama agreed.

"You know, I heard that the Tiny Giant went on a bunch of trips just like we're going to!" Hinata continued to go on about his little idol. Kageyama looked down at him and smiled. Looks like he's back to being himself. I guess that stupid letter did the trick... thanks, Suga.

The two lovebirds walked under the moonlight until they reached Hinata's house. Hinata stopped when they arrived, and continued to spout who knows what about volleyball.

In the middle of a sentence, Hinata was cut off when he felt the setter's arms around himself. Caught off guard by his tall boyfriend's sudden affection, he stood there, silent. After a couple seconds of adjusting himself to the situation, he happily hugged him back, thankful to have such a caring boyfriend.

"Thank you." Kageyama whispered as he laid his head atop Hinata's. 

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