Silent Waters

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Emma Nevin never ever thought her wild dreams of finishing med school would ever come true. Never.

But here she is. Intern year. She's a nobody in the hospital, sharing the difficulties of being a newbie with a repeater - well, shh, no one has to know - and the half sister of her 'nazi' resident. And all through silent waters, because... 

How the hell a deaf like her managed to become a doctor?





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First of all, I want to say that I do know deaf people are able to work on hospitals, as both doctors and nurses. When I first began learning sign language, I couldn't find a lot of medical signs until I came across a YouTube channel about a deaf nurse. He inspired me to believe every person can do what they wish. Their only obstacles are themselves when they feel down or just because they're different they can't make it.

Emma in this book has had a rough childhood but because her parents want the 'best' of her, pushing her to her limits. I might somehow exaggerated the situation but I don't really know how a deaf child grows up. Every one is different. This is my take on how Emma lives her daily life fighting to be the best with what other people may think is a set back or an obstacle but she sees it as a proof that she can do it and she never gave up.

Besides, this is Grey's Anatomy what we're talking about. But, if there's any deaf person reading this and would like me to give a little bit of awareness to this condition in this book, feel free to send me a message and I'll make sure to put it around here.

Also, if there's anything bothersome that shows in the book, do not take it out on me or blame me. Any hurtful or trigger that may appear in the book is the character's opinion and how they'd act, for any reason or circumstance that'll never be me talking because I'd never insult nor hurt someone in purpose.

Anyway, long A/N. This is relatively new Fandom I'm exploring but even though I do work on the health side, English medical Vocabulary is not my fort as Spanish is my main language, also I am a nurse not a doctor.

The updating of this book will be slow because of that and how new I am to the writing of Grey's Anatomy, the first chapter may come either tomorrow or in a few days. I'll be putting up some books, just with the introduction chapter - like this one - of my other projects. The one that seems to have more interest would be the first one I'll update. :)

Thank you every one of you for your support in liking my books! You're the best! :)

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