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Our residents loved drama.

I don't know what to think about that.

But watching them arguing about Dr. Yang's wedding gifts was not something I thought should be talked about in the hospital.

But, considering gossip was like bees to honey, I had accidentally read some nurses lips when they talked about how Dr. Yang had been engaged with another Doctor but he had left her at the altar.

Yeah, I think I could understand the need of wanting to get rid of presents that she could never enjoy with a husband.


Again. My thoughts would ever be just for myself when thinking about the residents' lives. Not my business as long as they didn't affect my career trajectory on the hospital.

I kept my eyes on my notes of the day as I waited for Dr. Grey to give us assignments.

She walked past us, a vague gesture I interpreted as to follow her as I had turned down the volumen on my implant, discreetly raising my hand up toward it under my hair and turning it on.

I flinched, still not used to the sudden rush of noise that came when I turned it on.

There was a carnage on the ER. A gas main blew in a building and we all were called down there.

Dr. Grey took George on her own and sent the rest of us down to other services. Me? To the clinic.

Oh, lucky me.

Not gonna work yet with interesting cases.

Ugh. Look at me.

I sound like the residents.

Fortunately for me, Lexi had also been sent to the clinic by Dr Yang and another intern called Steve that Dr. Yang named Four. 

Dr. Bailey was with us, telling us how the clinic worked. Luckily for me, Dr. Bailey's voice was very loud for me to hear as she lead me, Lexi and Steve through the clinic.                                                        

"Rooms one and seven are private and should be used for private conversations with patients, not for closed-door socializing" Bailey was telling us. Lexi and Steve were scribbling all that down, but I was straining my hearing to pay close attention to Dr. Bailey. Lexi could help me get my notes later "All carts are setup the same" we stopped walking, Dr. Bailey turning to face us. "Memorize where everything is"

Dr Bailey began to walk away, toward the door.

I glanced down at a cart with medical supplies. I nodded to myself. Organizing and memorizing where to put things was something I was good at.

Steve shifted slightly making me look up at him, reading his lips "Will we be able to do procedures on our own?"

I glanced toward Dr. Bailey who stopped walking, turning to us. I read her lips "No. You are interns. You are in charge of nothing" Copy that. Very clear. She stared at us sternly, walking closer to us. "All procedures will be discussed and overseen by an upper level. All charts will be signed out by an upper level. And all patients will be looked at by someone other than you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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