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[Flying Solo]

"Where did the rest of your band go?" a boy inquired.

"Wait, were those holograms?" a girl in a purple wig questioned.

"Yes!" Julie said, pointing at the girl. "Yes, they were holograms. I plugged them into the ceiling projector before the show. I'd explain it, but it involves algorithms and science stuff." Everyone clapped.

"That's wild," Luke said. "They could see us when we were playing but not when the music ended."

"We should double check," Reggie decided as he patted Luke on the chest before going to the stairs and circling his hips. "Yeah, I don't -- I don't think they could see us!"

Emilia rushed up to someone, unknowingly Carrie Wilson, and clapped her hands in front of Carrie's face. "Nothing. Whoa. That's weird!"

"I wish I couldn't see you," Alex muttered. "Really, Em?"

The principal told the students to leave. "Okay, people, back to class."

Julie said to the music teacher, "Mrs. Harrison, I am so sorry for not asking for permission. I just wanted to show you I belong here."

"As amazing as that was, your spot has already been filled by another student," Mrs. Harrison said.

They watched as a boy dragged a cello too big for him down the stairs.

"Come on, that thing is way too big for him!" Julie protested.

"He'll grow into it," Mrs. Harrison told Julie. "I wish that I could help you, but my hands are tied."

Principal Lessa walked up to the two. "Mine aren't, and as much as I didn't approve of this little stunt that you pulled, I will not go down in history as the principal who kicked Julie Molina out of the music program."

Julie chuckled and exclaimed, "Thank you!"

"But... when you win your first Grammy, I want to be thanked."



"Oh! Aw!" Mrs. Harrison exclaimed, hugging the girl. "Welcome back." She chuckled, as did Julie.

The teen ran back to her best friend.

"Wow, you did it," Flynn said in a blunt tone.

Julie smiled and replied, "Thanks to you."

Flynn didn't return her smile and instead asked, "When did you start playing with a hologram band?"

"It was just one song. Yeah, we're not a band. They are, we aren't."

"Why have you been keeping those cute boys and that girl a secret? She looked oddly familiar."

"There's a reason for that. It's really crazy."

"I'm all about crazy. Let's hear it."

"Uh, they're from, um, they're from Sweden. Turns out they're not only great at making meatballs, but also great at making music. Anyway, who's excited that I'm back in the music program?" She did jazz hands.

Flynn remained unimpressed. "Are you lying to me?"

Julie looked at the ground and said, "Yeah. Yeah I am."

"Since when do we lie to each other?"

"Flynn... I'm sorry."

""I'm sorry?" That's all you've got?"

Flynn ran from the gym.

"Flynn-" Julie ran out into the hall. "Flynn, wait! Flynn? Come on!"

"Hey, nice job," a guy said.

Another guy said, "Julie, those holograms were so cool. It's like we were at Coachella, but not in the desert."

"Thanks," Julie replied, continuing to search for Flynn.

"It's true," Nick said as he walked over. "That was incredible."

Carrie walked up and said, "It was way better than when you cried and ran out."

Nick glanced at his girlfriend. "Hey, um, maybe we should get to science."

"Uh, yeah. Then maybe you can study the chemical properties of manners or something," Julie said.

"Was that supposed to be a comeback?" Carrie asked with a laugh. "Wow."

"Wow yourself."

"Another winner." She turned to leave.

Julie rounded a corner and the ghosts, who were in a trapezoid, called, "Julie!"

"Ah!" Julie cried. "Stop doing that!"

Luke and Emilia smiled. "Sorry."

"I'm serious!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Reggie protested. "This one's on you! We were already here. Well, actually, we were over there and then we came over here."

"Are we not gonna talk about what just happened?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, my whole school saw you and it's kind of freaking me out," Julie replied.

"Oh, good, 'cause it's kinda freaking me out too!" Alex said. "You know you can see us and people could see us whenever we play music and my clothes are made of air, but for some reason, I'm still getting a wedgie." Alex sighed as the others looked at him with a slightly disgusted expression. "So many questions."

"The important thing is we rocked that place!" Luke cried.

Julie smiled. "That was a great song, Luke. Thanks."

"And did you see how the cheerleaders were looking at me?!" Reggie exclaimed with a pause. "They were looking at me. Please tell me you saw them looking at me!" He grabbed Luke's shoulders.

Luke grabbed his face. "Bro, they were looking at you!"

Alex frowned. "I'm so confused. You know, the afterlife should come with instructions or a quick start guide or something."

Emilia pointed to Alex. "I'm with him on this. It's all so confusing."

"Well, the good thing is everyone thought you were holograms, and I got back into the program," Julie replied.

"Why do you look so bummed?" Reggie asked.

Luke looked at the girl. "Yeah, dude, you're making that face." He pulled Reggie, Emilia and Alex to him and mocked Julie's expression.

"Hmph, that is not my face," Julie protested.

"It's your face."

Emilia nodded. "Sorry, but he's right."

"Things just got weird between me and Flynn," Julie admitted. "She asked about you guys and I couldn't say."

Reggie grinned. "Sweet! Girls are already talking about us." He gave Luke a low high-five.

"Stop! I'm serious! I can't tell her about you guys for the same reasons I can't tell my dad. She'll think I've gone off the deep end!" The janitor passed them.

"Well, this dude definitely thinks you've gone off the deep end."

"Hmm," the janitor hummed.

"I gotta get back to class." She walked away.

"Later, Julie!" Reggie said. "Tell those cheerleaders that I'm single!"

"Oh and that he's dead!" Alex and Emilia added, the latter with a light smirk.

"Oh, no, no, leave that part out, leave that -- She's gone."

Stand Tall // Julie and the Phantoms (Luke Patterson)Where stories live. Discover now