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[Edge of Great]

Carlos wandered through the kitchen, iPad in hand. He'd downloaded a new ghost detecting app called Ghost Hunt. His iPad beeped as he watched a screen that said 'SEARCHING...'

"You can't hide forever, ghosties," Carlos said as the screen told him 'GHOST ACQUIRED'. "Gotcha!"

His aunt turned on the lights and said, "For the last time, mijo. Ghosts are not real!"

"Typical adult," Reggie muttered. "Do you remember when we were kids, and they never believed what we said?"

"Yeah," Alex said. "I'm pretty sure that's just a "you" thing. I was always pretty trustworthy."

Luke frowned. "Shouldn't we be more worried about Julie? Julie's dad just busted her, okay? He's probably making her quit the band."

Emilia frowned. "I really hope not. We need her."

"Well, there's not much we can do about that now, but we can still help Carlos," Reggie replied, looking at Carlos and his aunt. "Adults not believing children ends tonight."

Alex rolled his eyes at Reggie's immaturity.

"Showtime," Reggie said as he turned off a lamp.

Carlos and his aunt gasped and Carlos glanced to his aunt before saying, "Ghosts aren't real, huh? How do you explain that?"

"Lightbulbs burn out all the time, Carlos," his aunt replied.

"Ooh, wrong answer, tia," Reggie commented as Emilia stood. "I knew you wanted to prove yourself!"

"Explain this," Reggie and Emilia said as they started playing with the blinds, opening and closing them. Carlos' aunt gasped.

"Maybe it's my mom!" Carlos cried as his eyes widened. "She knows I haven't been replacing the toilet paper!"

"Your mama would never scare us," Carlos' aunt said. "This is the work of a demon!"

Reggie and Emilia stopped with a frown. "Hey, words hurt."

"Wait. I gotta get it on video!" Carlos cried.

"Yeah, you do!" Reggie agreed as he picked up a sheet. "Time for an old classic."

Reggie went under the sheet and shook, causing Carlos and his aunt to scream.

"Dang, it was on selfie mode!" Carlos complained as the camera turned off. His aunt yelled as she pulled him away.

"Whew!" Reggie breathed as he plopped onto a chair.

Alex glared at Reggie and Emilia. "Do you two have any idea what you've both done?"

"Yeah, we do," Reggie replied. "Em and I defended kids who've never been believed. Some might say superhero. We should probably leave before Julie finds out."

Reggie and Emilia ran off. Luke and Alex exchanged a look regarding Reggie's idiocy and Emilia's willingness to participate and followed after them.


"Julie, we need to talk," Ray said as they stood in front of the house. "So, after skipping school, missing a test, you decided to sneak out even though I told you to go to your room and study?"

"I know," Julie replied. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah, you keep saying that. If you'd just... let me in, I could've been excited about tonight instead of having this conversation we both hate. Why didn't you tell me you were in a band?"

Stand Tall // Julie and the Phantoms (Luke Patterson)Where stories live. Discover now