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[Another chapter because why not? And I also want to get closer to an important aspect of Emilia's story. I freaking love Lukia. They're adorable!]

Reggie waved. "Hi." He grinned. "This place is so cool."

Alex stared at Caleb as he said, "Man, I knew I recognized him. He's the guy that bumped into me outside the Orpheum."

"Isn't he that magician dude who died a horrible death doing a trick?" Reggie wondered.

Alex stuffed his hands in his pockets as he said, "Yeah, I wouldn't really bring that up when we meet him."

Emilia nodded. "No one likes being reminded of how they died."

Willie rejoined them and said, "Yeah, you guys should come back when he shows one of his movies! I mean, for Titanic, he literally floods the entire place! The guy has got skills."

Emilia tilted her head. "Titanic? Why is there a movie about a famous sinking ship?"

"All right, but can he wave his arms and make ghosts visible to lifers?" Luke asked.

"Told you, the guy's got skills," Willie replied.

"So where'd he go?" Reggie wondered as Caleb appeared behind them. "Oh, God, found him."

Caleb smiled. "Hello boys, girl. Caleb Covington. Welcome to the Hollywood Ghost Club! Enjoying the show?"

Luke stammered. "Yo, that was like -- I mean -- did you like -- like-"

"I know," Caleb replied.

Willie introduced the four. "Um, this is Luke, Alex, Emilia and Reggie."

"Yeah, it's really nice to meet you," Alex said as Emilia simply raised a hand to say hello.

"'Sup?" Reggie asked.

Caleb continued smiling. "The pleasure is mine. Nothing warms my heart more than sharing this magic with new friends. Please. Sit, sit." The six sat.

"Thank you for the invite," Alex replied.

"Of course, of course! Now, my friend Willie tells me that you guys have some magic of your own."

Alex cleared his throat. "Um, Willie and I-I mean, I wouldn't really call it magic, but I mean..."

Willie took over. "Oh, no, he means your ghost abilities. You know, like to be seen by everybody when you play with Julie."

"No, totally. Right. No. 'Cause when you said it, I was like, is that what he said? 'Cause-"

"Yeah, but, uh, we can't really, uh, wave our arms and do this magic stuff," Emilia admitted. "Would be cool if we could, though."

Caleb looked between them. "Well, I've had some practice. Our gifts are so rare, so special. It's not often I come across other spirits who possess similar talents. It's no surprise we found each other."

"Yeah, that definitely..." Luke began.

"If you'll forgive me, fellas, lady, I got to go pay the bills if you know what I'm saying. I'll be back later for a chat." He stood and walked away. They watched as he walked up to a woman.

"My darling!" Caleb greeted. "Oh, look at that dress! Where have you been?"

"I love that dude!" Reggie cried, pointing to Caleb. "Please tell me this party is never gonna end."

"We're on a time limit, Reg," Emilia reminded him, looking between the boys. "Don't forget."


Stand Tall // Julie and the Phantoms (Luke Patterson)Where stories live. Discover now