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1) DoeClan cats refer to she-cats as "does," toms as "bucks," while kittens & apprentices are "fawns."

2) Their lives are built off of the Code of the Does. They follow it like it is the only thing that keeps them alive.

3) Does are strictly prohibited from mating with any cat or having fawns. They believe in purity. While fawns aren't seen as unpure, the act of having them is.

4) DoeClan serves a Doe Goddess by the name of Faith the Divinity and their ancestors, the Ancients.

5) Their ancestors are referred to as the Ancients. They may give prophecies or warnings, which has been passed on to them by Faith the Divinity.

6) Medicine cats and leaders visit the Fawnstone, a stone in the shape of a fawn, when in search of guidance. There, either they meet with Faith the Divinity, the Ancients, or both.

7) Medicine cats travel to the Fawnstone every full moon to share tongues with the Ancients.

8) Every half moon, DoeClan leaves their remaining prey at the Fawnstone as an offering to Faith the Divinity and the Ancients.

9) While searching to recruit new does, it isn't rare for them to find abandoned newborn or young fawns.
In the instances of newborns being found, they search for the Mother. If she cannot be found, they take the newborns to the Twolegplace, leaving the fawns at the doorstep at a particular red den. Often, the Twolegs find the fawns and take care of them. Later on, they get released into a feral cat colony. The does hope that, later on, they can convince them to join the Clan.
In the instances of young fawns being found, they take them back to camp. On their first night in the camp, the does will have a feast. Afterwards, the leader chooses one doe to name and become the fawns' caretaker until they are six moons. They all sit vigil that night as one Clan. The following morning, the fawns will be named and welcomed into the Clan.

10) When a fawn has become an apprentice, her mentor takes her on a tour of the territory. During the tour, the fawn is tasked with keeping a look out for something that she feels speaks to her. When she does, she is to bring it with them on the tour. When they return to camp, the item she has collected becomes a permanent reminder for her of her first day out. All does keep the object they collected and the items are called Tokens of Memory.

11) Warrior apprentices are taught the Code of the Does, how to hunt & fight, and how to convince outside does to join the Clan. Medicine cat apprentices learn all of those, as well as herbs and the remedies for injuries & sickness.

12) After completing her assessments, each apprentice travels with her mentor and the medicine cat to the Fawnstone. There, she must share tongues with Faith the Divinity. If Faith accepts her, the apprentice will recieve her warrior name the next day.

13) After a doe has recieved her warrior name, she will lead her first patrol. On the patrol, she is to keep a look out for another Token of Memory. Once she finds it, she will bring it home and add it to her collection.

14) When a doe has been a warrior for six moons, the leader will accompany her to recruit new does for the Clan. Together, they seek a Token of Memory along the way.

15) When a doe has been a warrior for twelve moons, she is tasked with recruiting outside does on her own. She also must seek a Token of Memory along the way.

16) When a warrior has decided to become an elder, she leads one last patrol. On the patrol, she searches for another Token of Memory. When she finds it, she brings it with her back to camp. There, the leader performs the retirement ceremony and the doe adds the newest item to her collection.

17) The largest warriors are often picked to be deputy or leader.

18) When the leader appoints a new deputy, they both seek out a new Token of Memory together. Then recruit new members for the Clan. It is meant to bring the leader and deputy closer together.

19) When a deputy becomes a leader, she seeks out a new Token of Memory alongside her chosen deputy. Then, they go to recruit new members for the Clan.

20) If a deputy were to be challenged for her leadership role, the deputy and doe will be given several tasks to show who is more capable of leading the Clan. Whoever wins the most tasks, becomes leader.

21) When a doe dies, the Clan sits vigil with her. Before dawn, those closest to her will hunt her favorite prey. They also will seek out Tokens of Memory together. The medicine cat collects the dead doe's Tokens of Memory before they take the body to bury. Once the other does have each caught her favorite prey, they take it to her burial site. After the doe is laid inside, they each take a bite from their catch, then bury the prey & Tokens of Memory with the doe.

22) Every spring, DoeClan travels to the Meadow Range. There, they watch the Forest Herd, made up of deer, as they come home for the spring & summer. Afterwards, they return home to have a feast and give thanks to Faith the Divinity for the deer's safe return.

23) Every summer, DoeClan holds an annual event where cats all across the forest may participate in. The does and outside cats compete in a series of races for each category.

Hunting- mice, squirrels, birds, & fish.
Running- forest, meadow, & swamp.
Swimming- river, pond, & bayou.
Climbing- tree, waterfall rocks, & the Adder Boulder.
Fighting- bramble patch, tree clearing, grassy clearing, & bayou edge.

24) Every fall, DoeClan revisits the Meadow Range. They watch as the Forest Herd leaves, and they pray for their safe return. Afterwards, they go back to camp and have a silent vigil.

25) After the first snowfall of winter, every doe hunts by themself the following day. At sunset, they all meet at the pond, where they give thanks to Faith the Divinity for the spring & summer. Then, they take a bite out of their biggest catch and drop it into the water. The Clan feasts and remains there until moonhigh. They return to camp afterwards.

26) DoeClan is known for being hospitable, but firm. They do not allow their kindness to become a weakness and have no fear of fighting. However, they do prefer to go the democratic route and will try to soothe fur rather than let it fly.

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