Chapter 2

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    The medicine cat and leader glared at each other, the anger in the den thick like smoke. Their fur stood on end and they were both breathing heavily. It was as if they had just raced around the entire territory without pause. The bushes around them shielded the pair from the eyes of their Clanmates, keeping their conversation private. The rage between them was slowly spiraling into a deep seeded hatred for each other. Could DoeClan really survive when their leader and medicine cat were alway at each other's throats?

    "You can't tell me what I can and can't do!" Cloudfall spat at the larger doe, sinking her claws into the ground as she lashed her tail. Her hazel eyes were wide and she bared her fangs in anger. Ears flattening and head lowering, Harmonystar growled back at her,

    "I am leader of the Clan. And as leader, I am the one who makes the decisions for all of the Clan cats." Cloudfall opened her jaws to refute, but the leader shook her head and snarled, "I am also the one who gets to decide if a Clanmate is banished or not. This means that I am able to order you to take care of Brokendoe and her fawn. Which you will do, or you'll be banished yourself." Silence settled over the two does, hazel and gold eyes battling a war of pure fury.  

    Both cats were tense, ready to spring at each other with unsheathed claws. Harmonystar shook all over from her rage, the doe's fur bristling upwards. Her gold eyes glared fiercely at the medicine cat. The leaner doe kept her entire body low, as if she were a snake waiting to strike. Her own hazel eyes seemed to be full of poison as she gazed at the leader. After several moments, and through gritted teeth, Cloudfall hissed at her,

    "Fine, you ungrateful rat!" Then she whipped around and stormed under a holly bush, which sat at the outside edge of the clearing. Harmonystar growled after the medicine cat, her anger pumping through her viens and spreading throughout her body. At first, she stepped after the medicine cat, wanting to follow her. However, she thought better of it and twisted around to exit the clearing. Stomping out of the den, Harmonystar muttered to herself,

    "You're the ungrateful one. I could have banished you just now, and yet you dare say I am ungrateful." Shaking her head as she left the den, her gold eyes drifted to the Meeting Ledge, which stood to the right side of her. Parallel to it, and lined up with the leader, was a broad oak tree. A large hole was dug at the bottom of it, between the thick roots of the tree. That's when she noticed the group of warriors that stood under the Meeting Ledge, with a white and pale ginger doe in their center.

    Beside the doe sat a silver-gray fawn, who's red patches glowed like fire in the dawn sunlight. Padding towards the oak tree, the large doe kept her head low as she walked beside the bushes. The last thing she felt like doing was talking to her Clanmates. Cloudfall had proven to be a pawful enough, and she was already sick of it. As the leader stalked past the group, the pale ginger patched doe dipped her head to Harmonystar. The large cat nodded to her in return as she made her way to the entrance of the den.

    Slipping inside, she stumbled down the pathway that further led under the oak roots. It was then that Harmonystar realized just how tired she was from that night's event. All that she wanted to do was lie down, get away from the Clan, and sleep for several moons. Relief flooded her when she finally reached the large cavern that made up her den. The oak tree's roots kept the dirt walls together, and kept the ceiling stable. Once she spotted her nest, Harmonystar rushed over to it and flopped onto the moss.

    With a loud, relieved exhale, she stretched her legs in front of her, then curled her back in a long stretch. She grunted as the muscles loosened, just now realizing how stiff her body was. When she had finished stretching, the large doe curled up into her nest and closed her eyes. Almost as soon as they were closed, Harmonystar fell into a fitful sleep.

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