First Race in Palm City

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3RD POV Again

After Lucas installed a GPS into the GTO, (Y/N) turns it on and says:

"Okay, where to?" (Y/N) asks

"You got a coupla of races to choose from. The one downtown is all long curves, and the one in Eden Shores is all sharp corners, take your pick and set a route to it on the map." Lucas explains

"Ummm I will pick the downtown one." (Y/N) says

(Y/N) sets the route there and turns on the car and hears the V8 engine growl to life

"I have NO regrets picking this car." (Y/N) says grinning as he revs the car

"The car suits you." Lucas says smiling

"Couldn't agree more." (Y/N) replies

"Wait (Y/N), Let me come with and make sure she's ready for the race, and I need to introduce you to my friend." Lucas says

"Hop in." (Y/N) says

After Lucas is in the car (Y/N) drives out of the garage with Lucas riding shotgun and starts to head over to the race

"So take it easy...let's just get this car to the starting line in one piece." Lucas recommends

And immediately after Lucas said that (Y/N) steps on it

"(Y/N), what did I just say?"Lucas said

"I don't know something about taking it easy." (Y/N) says jokingly

"(Y/N), car." Lucas says in a serious manner

"What?" (Y/N) says, knowing about the car they are about to crash into

"CAR!!!" Lucas yells

(Y/N) waits until the last second to swerve out the way, and Lucas takes notice

"(Y/N), did you just turn at the last minute, to scare me?" Lucas says looking at him

"Yep, and I have succeeded in doing so." (Y/N) says grinning

Lucas just playfully rolled his eyes

"Lots of cars up ahead." (Y/N) says

"Oh, now you tell me." Lucas says acting like he's annoyed but you can tell he's acting

(Y/N) just shrugs, smiling. He then begins to weave through the pack of cars and trucks shifting up and down, speeding up and slowing down. After 2 quick minutes, they finally got through all the cars and trucks

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