Racing Jordyn's Crew

151 6 1

3rd POV, 4:30 AM


I pull up to Ana's place and wait for her. After a few minutes I see her walking towards the car and getting in.

"You ready for this?" I ask her

"I should be asking you that, 'cause you're the one driving."

"Fair point."

Timeskip, 4:46 AM

"Okay, head to head's one thing. Let's see how you cope in a crowd." Jordyn says

"3 against 1, real fair!" Ana retorts

"You can always say quit. I'm sure the League would understand." Jordyn claps back

Ana sighs before turning to you

"You beat 2 of 'em already. What's one more?" Ana says

"Yeah, this should be pretty easy." You respond





"Your night's about to get real shitty!" Jordyn exclaims

You shake my head

"So cocky." You say dismissively before going full throttle, quickly catching up and passing all three of them.

"What the hell?!" Jordyn, again, exclaims

"I forgot how fast your ride is!" Ana exclaims, chuckling a little at Jordyn's reaction

TimeSkip, cause nothing really happens during the race.

5:32 AM

"Ha! Outnumbered and we still win!" Ana exclaims again

"All that matters is the place in the League, and we're still ranked to take it" Jordyn says clearly annoyed (And trying to reassure herself from the loss)

"For now!" Ana says back, before turning her attention to you

"You hungry? I'm hungry. Let's eat." She says happily

Another TimeSkip. With our sponsor Nord-

5:50 AM

As you and Ana pull up to Lil' Chickie, the both of you see Shaw's camaro

"Yo-yo-yo...look who's here." Ana tells you, her smile gone

" wanna leave?"  You ask Ana

"Hell no...." She answers, before getting out of the car and walking towards Shaw's car.

You go to the side of the building and park the car before getting out and keeping watch, while maintaining a safe distance. When you do, you see shaw coming from the building, walking to his car with a drink in hand. He leans on his car as someone on a bike pulls up to him.

"I don't like waiting." Shaw says in a flat tone

"And I don't like watching you eat." The woman (Torres) retorts

She gets off of her bike and Shaw stands up from leaning on his car and throws the cup to the ground as he and Torres go to the back of his car. Shaw opens his trunk, though from where you are, you can't see what's in it.

"What the hell..." The woman trails off

"All this from shakedowns?" She questions Shaw

"You seen what's out there? Shits like Christmas. Oh, and I may have upped the fee." Shaw says in full confidence

"Hey, we keep pushing like this it's gonna blow up in our face." The woman says to Shaw

"Boss said go out and charge hard. That's what I'm doing. He trusts me." He responds casually

She grabs the duffel bags of what seems to be full of money from the trunk.

"Yeah, well then you're both a couple of dumbasses." The woman says, sounding a little annoyed

Shaw closes his trunk and follows Torres back to her bike, and you notice his left hand never left his police utility belt.

"Watch your mouth, Torres. Him and me go way back. Since before you were around." Shaw tells her in a slight threatening tone.

"You really think he's your friend? Man, that's almost sad." Torres says back

Shaw suddenly grabs both handles of Torres' bike, and you see Torres flinch a little.

"You be careful. Two wheels ain't shit against four." He says in a eerily threatening tone

He takes his hands off of her bike takes a few steps back, his usual creepy grin returning.

"Bye." He says in a normal voice whilst chuckling

Torres doesn't respond to him, and puts on her helmet before taking her leave. Shortly after, Shaw gets in his car and leaves as well. While all of that was happening, Ana was able to sneak by go to where you are. And as Shaw leaves, you catch sight of what Ana key scratched into his car, which appears to be a frowning pig with Xs for eyes. When you see it, you can't help but laugh.

"He's going to hate that when he finds out." You say in between laughs

"That's why I did it." Ana says, clearly proud of it

After all of that, you both go into Lil'Chickies 


6:20 AM

"I ate way too much." Ana says to you as you start your car

"Same." You say

"How about we call it a night?" Ana suggests

Suddenly you both hear Shaw's voice over the police radio

"All units, some piece of shit has messed with my paint. Sweep Westside, bust anything you find."

"I think that's a yes." Ana says

"Still can't believe the amount of money he must be riding around with. Guess when you got a badge, who's gonna stop you?" She states

The both of you drive back to the Garage undetected, and you immediately fall asleep.


798 Words 

I usually have something to say here, but I don't so...stay hydrated

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