Racing With Ana and Making a Friend

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1st POV Bois

I got in my new car and drove out the garage went to the place where Ana wanted to meet at

"I guess I got here too early." I thought

I turned to the gas station and looked at the posters on the window

"New fresh subs...I am hungry.." I said

I start walking towards the door and  open it

"Hello." The cashier says

"Hi." I say smiling

I head straight to the subs and look at them

"Hungry, huh?" The cashier says smiling

"Yeah, I forgot to eat something before I left." I said, a little embarrassed

I grab three large BLTS, planning to give one to Ana, and walk up to the front counter

"No offense, but are all these subs for you?" The cashier asks

"Two of these are for me, the other is for my friend Ana." I explain

"That'll be $10.00" he says

"Only $10.00? That's a good price." I say

"The best prices, I got a certificate from the store committee for the lowest prices in Palm city." James says proudly

"Nice." I say impressed

"Anyway, You sure she's just a friend?" He asks smirking

"U-um I u-uhh yeah?" I said nervously

"It's okay, just take it slow, she'll come around." The cashier says, smiling and his hand on my shoulder

"Thanks, what is your name, by the way?" I ask

"James, nice to meet you." James says happily with his hand out

"(Y/N), nice to meet you too." I said smiling back, shaking his hand

"Is this your gas station?" I ask

"What helped you come to that conclusion?" James says

"I don't know I just assumed." I answered, shrugging

James laughs a little

"Well you're right, I own two more." James says

"Cool!" I said

I hear a car outside, and so does James

"Why don't you give me your number and we can talk again?"

"Sure." James says

We exchange numbers and we hear the door open

"I knew you were in here." She says smiling

" oh yeah, what was I doing then?" I said smirking

"Hmm, you came in here to get a sub." Ana says

Me and James slowly turn our heads to look at each other

"Am I right? Ana asks

"Spy." I said, pointing my finger at her

"What?" She says confused

James quickly understood and said:

"Yep definitely a spy." James says

"She was looking at us before she came in." I said

"No I wasn't!" She says fake pouting

The way she was pouting made a spark inside me, she looks so cute!

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