Your New Car

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1st POV Again!!

"Gimme your phone..." Ana says

I pull out my phone and hand it to her, she examines it for a moment and says:

"Is this the newest model?!?"

"Yep." I reply

"Cool!" Ana says enthusiastically

"I can buy you one." I said smiling

"Sure!" She says back

"I'll get you and Lucas one in my free time." I say

"Which will be when?" She says confused

"Basically when we're done with this." I answer

"Oh yeah, there's only one way to make a name for yourself 'round here." She says while tapping stuff on my phone, then hands it back to me and starts walking away

"Wait, that's it??" I asked very confusedly

"I gotta make some calls, you stay on that thing. I'll be in touch." She says before getting back into her car and driving off

Getting a girl's number the first time I met her, check that off the bucket list. I thought as I walked back to my car

I was just driving around, exploring Palm city and was about to head back to the garage when I got a call. It was Ana.

"Hey while I'm hitting up all my contacts, you can get yourself down to the keys. There's a gas station out that way, I'll meet you there. By the way, thank you for these phones, Lucas went crazy when he found out that the phones are for us." Ana says

We both busted out laughing

"See you later!" Ana says happily, you can also tell that she smiling just by hearing her voice

"Bye!" I said

"I think imma get a different car."I said

An hour later

And done!!
(A 1997 Mitsubishi GTO made by me)

And done!!(A 1997 Mitsubishi GTO made by me)

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"She's tuned and ready to go

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"She's tuned and ready to go." Lucas says

"Time to meet with Ana."

Okay, bois let's see...oh ok, we got 311 words!!!

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