Get noticed

598 10 5

1st person

I was driving around earning bank when I get a call from Ana. I answer it.

"I hear you've been tricking out your wheels. That tells me your serious about this." Ana tells me

"Wouldn't be here if I wasn't." I say back

"You know if you wanna get in the league, you're not getting there alone." Ana says

"from what I hear, neither are you." I say

"That's what I wanted to talk about.I'm thinking we can help each other, form a crew. Unless you got any better offers on the table?" Ana asks

"Plenty, actually." I reply jokingly

"Bullshit. Come on, what do you say?" She asks me again

"I say you're on." I say replying

"Alright!" Ana says 

"Okay, if we're gonna climb the ladder to the League, we gotta get ourselves race against another crew. Remember Kenny?" Ana asks

"You mean that redneck from my first night here?" I ask

"His crew the speed boys are ripe for taking down. I'll pull whatever strings i can, but YOU gotta make yourself worth racing."  Ana says

"Earn an Invitation. Then we can make our mark."

"Got it." I reply

                                                                  Timeskip to the next day
                                                       because you were already at 25 rep

"Looks like you've been doing somethin' right. we just got the big Invitation. Spec out your car as high as you can and come meet me when you're ready" Ana says

"I'll be there in a bit" I say

                                                                         Quick timeskip

"You better be ready for this." Ana says

"hello to you too." I reply

"just follow me." Ana says

 We start to head to what I assume is the race

"You nervous?" I ask breaking the silence

"Look, this ain't about me. This is about YOU making your mark so our crew can move up. People already know me."

"I'll watch your back, but you gotta win this. Prove your not some deadbeat like...

"like your last crew?" I say finishing her sentence

"Your better than them." Ana says

"Let's hope so." I reply

"So, the speed boys - what's the deal?" I ask

"Well, you know Kenny...his just a mid life crisis on wheels. Then there's Daryl, he don't say much but he's the talent." Ana explains

"They're the ranking crew so they got to pick the route."

"And Kenny ain't the kind of guy to make life easy on anyone but himself, so expect unpleasant surprises." 

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