Don't Try, Zoey.

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You thought Kenny was bad with his actions or Barry was annoying with his questions and constant battle urge? Combine them and add a girl gender. You have Zoey, who wouldn't let them have peace for Paul to relax or even Dawn to practice. In fact, no one could concentrate with her in the area. Paul finally couldn't take it.

"Will you leave us alone for even... an hour? Just with enough time for us to think straight?" Ash lightly applauded him before Zoey frowned.

"No. I don't have anything better to do." Dawn stopped what she was doing and shot a glare at her rival.

"Would a battle make you quiet?" The boys fell silent at that. Zoey hummed.

"Alright. Whatever is going to make you happy." Dawn sighed as Zoey sent out her Glameow. Buneary stepped forward as she smiled. Brock sighed before standing up.

"Here we go. One on one. Let the battle begin!" Dawn smiled.



The two attacks raced past each other, slamming into their respective targets. Dawn gulped as Ash got to Paul's side. The purple haired boy was grabbing his ears, trying to muffle out the sound. She knelt down to the small bunny.

"Could you be a dear and try to make this a quiet battle? Let's see how much confusion we can get out of her." Buneary nodded as it turned to their opponent. She smiled.


"Dizzy Punch."

Buneary jumped over Glameow's attack and quickly threw its own, causing confusion upon the cat pokemon. Dawn smiled.

"Ice Beam."

The icy attack quickly raced at Glameow, finishing the battle in almost utter silence. Zoey stared in shock as Dawn smiled.

"Excellent work, Buneary." It smiled at her as Zoey returned her pokemon.

"Not bad... but why'd you go quiet?" Dawn nodded over to Paul, who was resting against a tree.

"He's not feeling well. Did you know that Kenny's responsible?" Zoey stopped.

"You mean the trainwreck?" Dawn nodded. "Quit lying."

"He admitted it himself. He made it clear. Which is why I'm hoping to get him back where he was before and take that sly eel down." Zoey smiled.

"I want the reaction on camera, ok?" Dawn nodded. "Alright. Take care of yourselves." Dawn smiled as she waved goodbye. Paul nodded slightly as she did. Dawn went over and thanked Ash for staying by him. As the ravenette walked over to Brock, Dawn sat down and laid Paul's head down on her lap. His face heated up a little.

"Rest up. You'll need it for when we try training again." Paul nodded as he fell asleep.

Cindy sorta suggested the ending.

If you guys could put ideas in for future chapters, that would really help. Just keep in mind that they don't know anyone past the Sinnoh journey. You can go before, but no one from Unova, Kalos, Alola, or Galar and you'll be good. Have a great day!

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