Fresh Training.

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Paul's fever was getting worse as he rested on one of the beds of the center. He shuddered slightly and opened his eyes as Dawn swapped out his washcloth.

"You good?" She whispered quietly. He paused.

"Sorta..." She touched his head.

"Rest up and we'll work on some training. Ok?" He opened his mouth to object when his head started hurting. He closed his mouth and nodded. "Alright." She smiled at him before heading outside. His face heated up at that before he fell asleep.


He eventually woke up and joined them. He was still in a daze, but he looked a lot better than before. He rested against Torterra as Ash trained with Dawn.



The two attacks collided instantly. The WHIRLPOOL broke as the THUNDERBOLT pushed through. Piplup was quickly knocked out by it in the process. Ash grinned.

"Not the best training, but it's the best there is." Ash noticed Paul watching them and they went over. He nodded to them as Dawn stretched.

"How are you feeling?" He grimaced.

"A little better, I guess." She nodded at that.

"That's good." Ash smiled.

"Paul, are you up for training or would you rather relax?" Paul paused. He hadn't really trained since the attack. The best he got was Weavile doing some battles. He stood up slowly.

"I wouldn't mind. I haven't gotten a good training session in, so..." Dawn giggled at the flash of pride in Ash's eyes.

"Just don't kill each other and I won't intervene." The two boys nodded with a nervous gulp. Torterra stepped in front of Paul while Ash brought out a pokeball.

"Staraptor!" The large bird cried out as it popped out. Paul paused.



The two attacks slammed into each other before breaking. Paul gulped.


After a while, Ash stopped training so that Paul could go sit down. It wasn't bad for a fresh start. Torterra relaxed beside him as Ash continued against Brock. If Paul was a lot better, he would've had a good couple of comebacks. Dawn sat beside him as they watched.

"Not bad." He hummed softly.

"Thanks..." He whispered softly. She smiled as he leaned back.

"Rest up. It'll help when we get back on the road." He glanced at her as Ash cried out.

"Dude!" Brock's laughter followed. "Get your gym leader mind outta here!"

"'It's only a Happiny.' Don't judge a book by its cover, Ash."

"That was uncalled for!" The duo looked at the field as Ahs picked up the fainted Pikachu while Happiny and Brock were on the ground laughing. Dawn sighed.

"Guess who has to split that up." Paul scoffed lightly as she went over to the duo. He smiled gently before falling asleep. 

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