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Imma say this now. You can find this chapter in the one-shot "Darkness can be in Pain and Love". So if you want to, go check it out.

Dawn and Ash stared as Barry and Brock collided heads. They had been fighting for an hour and the fight never got better. Dawn's attempt wasn't bad.

"Ladies, ladies, you're both pretty, stop fighting!" The duo paused for a brief moment, Brock looking for the girl, Barry shooting a glare of astonishment, before colliding again. The duo groaned as they watched in defeat. Something shoved the fight apart and Paul walked past them.

"Don't you two have better things to do than stare at a fight?"

"I tried to split them." He scoffed before walking off. Ash silently growled as he did. "What?"

"I'm trying to figure out how you can deal with him without getting into a bigger fight." She hummed.

"Not entirely sure. I'm slightly curious now." She sighed before they went over to the other two. They got them on their feet and went off.


Paul's POV

"Damn it..." I cursed under my breath as the winds hissed around me. It started raining despite the clear forecast an hour ago. I had just so happened to have left my camping stuff behind thinking I could make it to the next town's center. Now I have to find a tree to use it for shelter to wait out the storm. As I was looking, something happened.

I felt a roaring pain in my neck and black dots clouded my vision. I collapsed instantly, grasping a tree and hissing.

"Who..." All I saw was a silhouette of someone holding up a large object before bringing it down, knocking me out.


3rd Person POV

Dawn entered her tent to see Paul waking up. She had found him injured and had gotten him back to camp with Brock's help. He groaned as he covered his face from the sudden change of light.

"Morning." He groaned as he touched his head.

"How long was I out?"

"At least you remember getting knocked out. Sadly, I'm not entirely sure. You slept through the night. That's as far as I know." He sat up, still grabbing his head.

"Why did-"

"Don't you dare. If I want to help, I'm going to help. Be lucky. Ash was asleep for most of it." Paul scoffed before mumbling something under his breath. "We have some food if you-"

"No thanks." He left the tent before she could finish. She sighed as she packed her things.


Paul's POV

I couldn't concentrate as Weavile successfully won the battle that I was sorta pulled into. I wasn't on my "A" game after I got attacked. I had gotten away from Ash and his little party and was resting on a bench in Velstone. I practically fell asleep from the pain. When I woke up, Weavile started teasing me. Before it wasn't so easy, but after that attack...

"Weavile..." I muttered under my breath, my face heating as it continued.

"Hey Paul... you good?" I grimaced at the

"Depends on what you mean by that..." I said quietly.

"We have good news and bad news. Not sure how you're going to take either of them."

"No matter what it is, I'm not going to care." Ash opened his mouth to make a comeback when Dawn silenced him.

"We found your attacker." My eyes met Dawn's instantly.

"What?" My confusion and interest were perked by that. How did she know? Who is it? Many questions filled my head.

"You're not going to like who it is."

"Name one person I would like." Weavile nudged me, probably arguing the fact. I was able to ignore it as I waited. She gulped.

"Kenny, my rival, attacked you. He's talking about it just down the road." I rubbed my face

"You have got to be kidding..." Ash gulped.

"Speaking of the devil..." The group looked to see Kenny walking over. I looked away as Kenny smirked. Dawn argued with the bloody guy while my mind drifted. Eventually he walked away.

"How is it you barely get into any sort of argument but yet I'm pushed into them?" I was pulled back into reality upon Ash's words.

"Maybe because no one wants to lose to a girl." I busted out laughing at that. Ash fell silent while me and Brock worked for air.

"I quit. When this journey is done, win or lose, I'm going home and never coming out again." Brock was the first one to catch air.

"Wait... after going through four different journeys?" Ash hushed him. I had finally found air by then. Dawn cracked a smile.

"Here's a question. I might be able to not get into arguments, but how is it so easy to pick on you?" Ash glared at her before the three of us busted out laughing, Brock and I going right back into it.

"This isn't funny, guys." They paused as Brock spoke.

"You don't really make it seem that way." I laid down as his head started hurting. Dawn gulped.

"You going to be ok, Paul?" My head nodded subconsciously as Weavile shook its head. I shot a glance at it as it looked away. Dawn sighed. "What is with you two?" Weavile giggled as I glared at it.

"Here, let me change your bandages. It might help."

"I think I'll be good for a while..." I mumbled after Brock had finished.

"Weavile says otherwise."

"I can take care of myself."

"Weavile is practically taking care of you." My mouth stayed closed, comebacks vanishing. "If you want, you can travel with us until you can separate." My eyes drifted over to Ash as he watched the sky. "I'll make sure you two don't clash since I seem to be very good at that." I sighed.

"Alright..." She smiled before she picked up a rock and threw it at Ash. He looked surprised before she started running.


"Na na na na boo boo! You can't catch me!"

My face heated up as me and Brock trailed behind them. This was going to be a long journey...

Dark and Cold to Hurt and in NeedWhere stories live. Discover now