Interesting Double Battle.

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Paul's head throbbed as they arrived in Pastoria. He thought for a brief moment he could make it through the town, but the pain hit so fast he practically blacked out. He was almost glad Ash had been arguing with him because he reacted first. Ash helped him sit down while the other two paused.

"You good Paul?" Dawn asked quietly as Brock touched his head. Paul held his head as he huffed lightly.

"Sorta..." Dawn glanced around. No one was really paying much attention to the group. Unless you count the duo near the center eyeing them. A quick noise escaped her.

"Conway and Barry are here."

The three boys groaned. Between the argument of Barry and Brock, Ash not really getting along with Conway, and Paul not being the best person to talk; it was up to Dawn to keep peace. And they all knew she would pull it off. But that wasn't the case this time. The duo rivals went over as she shot a glare at them.

"Why hello Conway. Barry. What are you two doing here? Or do I know the answer and have to show you back to the center?" The trio grabbed their mouths as Barry tried to come up with a comeback. Silence escaped him instead. Conway huffed.

"I'm here for a challenge." Paul felt a pinch of fear as he realized where he was going with that. Ash scoffed.

"Against who? Yourself?" The other three lost it at his words. While it didn't make it any better, it was pretty funny. Conway snorted.

"Only you would." Ash huffed. "I'm talking about the person on the ground." Paul went quiet at that.

"Aren't we all on the ground?" Ash instantly countered, making Conway pause. Silence filled the air until Paul spoke.

"He's not entirely wrong, Conway. You may want to be more specific." A small hiss escaped the taller male.

"Alright Paul, if you want to play that card, why don't you get up and fight?" Paul froze slightly. Apparently he hadn't clashed with Conway since the attack. "It's not normal to see you as the coldest person of the region to be traveling with the brightest trio here. So let's see your hand." Dawn frowned.

"Apparently you have no patience. We have places to be. A battle can wait." Barry finally sorted himself out.

"No way. You're playing a dangerous game, Dawn. Let him fight at least one of us." She frowned, clearly out of quick comebacks. Luckily Ash had a solution.

"Double battle." He intervened, his Pikachu jumping in front of him while Weavile stepped in front of the half conscious Paul. "If you don't mind." Paul stood up slowly while locking eyes with Ash.

It could be worse, Paul. His mind spoke a lot calmer than the pain. They could've pushed you into the battle without helping you out.

"And why should we do that? We only wanted to fight Paul." Conway tried to counter.

"You don't even know what happened. Bring it on." He nodded to Paul as the two small Pokemon went forward. "Ready?"

"Yeah..." Paul murmured as he tried to get his mind on track. Of course the pain had a lot to say about that. He gulped it down as he stood by Ash. Brock and Dawn went off to the side. Brock took charge of reffing the battle.

"This is a double battle, one on one. Send out your Pokemon!"

Pikachu and Weavile bounded forward with no problem. Barry and Tobias took out their pokeballs.



The duo Pokemon appeared with a battle cry. Paul gulped. This wasn't going to be fun.


"Pikachu! IRON TAIL!"

The small electric type's tail turned into a blade as it slammed into Shuckle. While it was the best idea, they didn't really have the advantage against it besides that.

"Weavile! BLIZZARD!"

The small ice type instantly kicked up the storm as it slammed into the two pokemon. Roserade didn't stand a chance and was knocked out instantly. Sadly, Paul's head started hurting and Conway was still up.

"Shuckle! GYRO BALL!"

"Pikachu! IRON TAIL!"

The two attacks collided with great speed. Paul scanned the field, looking for an opening. It wasn helping with a throbbing head.

"Weavile! METAL CLAW!"

Weavile raced forward and sent the attack, quickly taking it out. Conway hissed a little while Barry blinked as Brock called the duo's win. Paul sat back down against the tree he was originally at. Barry hummed.

"What did you do?" Paul sent a quick glare at him before putting his head down. Dawn sighed.

"It's called Kenny doesn't have a brain." Barry chuckled slightly at that.

"Is that all? That shouldn't damage someone."

"Kenny attacked him, you moron." Barry stopped at that.

"A contest wreck attacking the darkest trainer in the region? Man, and I thought I've seen it all." The group tried their best to not laugh, but Paul's net line said enough at their attempt.

"Then clearly you haven't left the region and seen what some of the others have." Ash and Brock looked at each other and giggled at that.

"Or you haven't stayed with these two for a week." Dawn added, making the giggling duo paused. No comebacks came out, which made it even funnier.

"Hey... we're not that bad..." Was all Ash could come up with.

"How many times have you been shocked?"

"Twice..." Ash paused before frowning. "That's a trick question!"

"Only to you. I'm sure Brock could give a higher number." Ash went quiet at that. Apparently he didn't want to go down to the bluenette. "Now then, are you two done?" Conway rubbed his head.

"I guess... I thought I was going to get a good battle... but the circumstances seem worse than I thought..." He sighed. "Take care of yourselves." He then waved as he left. Barry shuddered.

"Please someone agree with me. That guy is creepy." Paul looked at him.

"Why do you think I don't clash with him?" The group chuckled at his reply. Barry sighed.

"Touche." He sighed before turning to the center. "Well you guys carry on and be careful. See ya." Dawn waved slightly as the energetic blonde vanished into the center. She sighed as she turned to Paul, who was barely awake. Ash was helping him up.

"Let's get you to a bed. Some rest will help you out." Paul mumbled something under his breath with a nod of agreement. She smiled as they helped him over to the center.

I know what you guys are going to say. We don't really meet Conway until one of the conferences. But I needed someone to fill in for the second spot so that I could leave Kenny as like the finale battle. If you guys could put ideas in for future chapters, that would really help. Just keep in mind that they don't know anyone past the Sinnoh journey. You can go before, but no one from Unova, Kalos, Alola, or Galar and you'll be good. Have a great day!

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