✧༺♥༻∞ 2 ∞༺♥༻✧

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     I take my turn quickly, picking up the pace. I glance up from the floor to notice my surroundings look weird.

I took a wrong turn.

Well, this is great. I'm gonna die or something without even graduating college! Really?! A few tears well up in my eyes while I keep my pace, even if I don't know where I am, I still have to get away. My senses are alert... he's saying something.

"It's her."

What? I probably heard him wrong, why would he know me?

"Yeah for sure."

Wait, is that another voice? Since when were there two following me? Shit, this is getting worse and worse. I start to pick my pace up more when I suddenly hit something hard. Is it a wall?

"You alright?" A sweet yet kinda stern voice questions.

The voice puts me at ease. I glance up to see a tall figure towering above me. I can't make out the features that well, since it's night and the street isn't well lit but I can tell he's hot. It's the feeling.

"No, I'm not," I state rather blankly. It just came out, but then I realize, that yes I am not alright and he can save me.

"Really? I'm sorry, I didn't realize I bumped you that hard-"

I cut him off, "No, not that! It didn't hurt! I- um- I am being followed." I whisper the last part while slyly pointing to the two guys that are a good few feet away. I look back to see them frozen, stiff. Weird, maybe they think this guy is someone I know.

"Oh, is that so?"

Weird. The way he said that was like he was happy they were following me? I am probably just too on edge. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders. I flinch but don't pull away. He flushes me against his chest whispering "Well lucky for you, I can help."

Shuffling footsteps flood my ears, when did so many people get here? The rest of the noise gets muffled when he covers my ears. I hear some screaming but other than that I can't make out any words. I'm guessing this dude's friends are beating up the guys who followed me. I don't know how I feel though. Like, yeah they followed me, and yeah it's better to teach them a lesson before they really do harm, but it sounds like they are being beaten to death or something. Yikes. But they probably aren't, right?

"Um- could you-"

"Oh sorry. Come with me." He cuts me off and releases me before beckoning me deeper into the alleyway.

I glance back to see at least 15 men, all in black suits, beating up the creeps. Overkill. Like damn. Who is this guy? Is he rich and those are his bodyguards or something?

"Well? Are you coming?" He reaches a hand out asking for mine.

"Uh. No." I back up. "Sorry. Like thanks for saving me and all, I could give you some money if you want, not that I have much, but I can't go with you." I slowly step back while he cocks his head to the side. I turn to leave, "Sorry! Really, thanks for helping me! But I ain't going with a stranger into an alleyway the moment after being followed." I pass the black suit people and get back to the main street, glancing back to see him mouthing something.

"You want a hero or a villain" He stares at me while I turn and rush away. He probably is watching to make sure nobody else harms me. 


The Poisoned Apple (Mafia x reader)Where stories live. Discover now