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    I reluctantly crawl out of bed, it's already noon and I've missed my classes. I was gonna go but... oops. I change into a simple outfit and curl up in the chair next to the window. I have no drive to go outside, so I'll just enjoy it from the window.

I watch as people pass by, people-watching is weirdly satisfying.

Before I knew it, it had turned to evening. Kinda creepy how fast time can go. I didn't see anybody interesting, except someone in a black coat.

I know that's a normal outfit, but he had his hood up and he was pacing back and forth a lot before entering the building below. The restaurant. Maybe he had a date and was nervous?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I situate myself so I'm looking at the door as it opens.

"You shouldn't let just anyone into your room." Kenji walks in and closes the door behind him.

"Well, I knew it was you, who else would come to my room?" His eyes darken for a split second.

The smirk returned to his face, "true, true." he walked over to me and sat in the chair across. "So what have you been up to?"

"People watching." I return to my original position as I look back out the window. It's relaxing.

"People watching huh. Interesting... Did you see anything interesting?" He stands and walks over, towering over me and joining in looking out the window.

"Not really." I shrug and look up to meet his eyes. I follow their gaze. He's looking at the corner of a building not too far from here. It's one that turns to an alleyway. I look back up to him, trying to figure out why he was looking at that spot particularly. His eyes were dark and cold. I flinch and immediately look back.

There's a guy. The one in the black coat. He's standing at the corner, angled so most of his body is hidden.

"Why's he there?" I let out without realizing.

"You know him?" I feel a hand grab my chin and my face is pulled up to meet him. His eyes are still cold, even while looking at me.

"No, I just saw him earlier. He was pacing around so I was curious and watched him. He eventually went into the restaurant part. Why?" His hand that was placed on the side of my arm, without me even noticing, squeezed me. I wince but don't do anything beyond that.

"He came inside?"

I didn't answer. It's obvious this wasn't an actual question, but more of a pissed-off restating. I just stare as his face contorted into an expression I've never seen before. Given that I haven't known him that long, but still. We've gotten... um... close.

He sighs and pulls me into a hug.

"I have to go and deal with something. You need to eat." I melt into the hug before he lets me go.

"Okay. Should I-"

"That phone." he points to a phone I never noticed. "Call it and order whatever you want. It's linked to the kitchen below." He pats my head and walks out. I walk over and order myself some (favorite food).

The food came really quickly and it surprised me when I hear a knock and it was just there. No one else.

Of course, I eat my meal, as I haven't eaten all day and am now very hungry. That kind of hunger where you don't realize you're hungry until you take a bite of food. My mind wanders to the black-coated man. I wonder why Kenji looked so mad?

Maybe he didn't pay for his meal?

I don't know.

Wait! Maybe he's part of some enemy gang.

Ehh. doesn't involve me so, I don't care that much.

I head back to my chair after having finished eating. It's too dark to see that much so I close the blinds and head over to the bed. Tomorrow for sure, I'll go to school. Yeah. For sure.

That was a week ago.

I haven't gone to school in a while. I simply keep sleeping in. And honestly, I feel like I needed this break.

The whole black-coated guy incident didn't cause any problems. Kenji came to my room the next afternoon and when I asked about it he said it was some misunderstanding. I don't know what was misunderstood but I'm glad that's over.

Since I plan to go to school tomorrow, I should pick out an outfit to motivate myself.

After sorting out my desired outfit, I turn to see Kenji standing at the door. He's gotten into the habit of not knocking and just randomly appearing at the door. It startled me at first, but now I'm used to it.

"Why are you picking out an outfit?" He walks over to admire my skills. I blush, knowing full well he's mainly seen me in hoodies, sweats, and oversized shirts. Shorts too, sometimes.

"For school tomorrow." I smile at myself.

"What?" He looks at me confused.

"I'm planning on going to school tomorrow. I haven't all week and I really should. To motivate myself, I picked out the outfit ahead of time." I'm now watching as his eyes frantically go from me to the outfit then back to me.

"No, you aren't."

Now it was my turn to be confused. "What?"

"There are still people out there that are after you. Ameer? Did you forget about him? You aren't safe out there. You need to stay here, with me." I step back.

"Well, I think school is plenty safe. And I appreciate that you are looking out for me, but I need to go to school." He grabs my wrist.

"Well, you aren't."

"Well, I am!" I shout at him. Why the hell is he suddenly against me going out? I get I'm here to be protected, but it's not like I'm walking around yelling that I'm Y/N. He never seemed to show distaste when I planned on going.


I never told him when I was planning. So he never thought I was going out. Meaning he never would have to say whether he was okay with it or not. And he never once said anything about me going outside.

He never planned on letting me outside since the beginning. He's locking me up, pretty much.


The Poisoned Apple (Mafia x reader)Where stories live. Discover now