~* 9 *~

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"Boss, I got the message-" The door swings open and the voice stops when he notices that 'Boss' isn't here.

I stare before getting a good look at his hair.

"Lev!?" I jumped up, startled. He turns and, equally startled response.


He's in a full suit and his hair is combed, but still fluffy looking. Gives a serious but somewhat kind feeling.

"Y/n, when'd you get here?" He walks over to me.

"Uh, like 15 minutes ago, not quite sure." He smiles.

"What are you doing here?" I blurt out, trying to keep the conversation somewhat going.

"I work here. Uh, I'm-" He looks flustered. Probably hard to explain to someone that he works for the mafia.

"Yeah. It was a dumb question, sorry. But the mafia, huh. Didn't peg you for that..." I trail off.

"I don't think anyone does. It's a unique job. Well, honestly it's more a lifestyle."

"So your boss is Kenji. Crazy how small the world is." He laughs.

"Most people would be panicked to find out that they know people connected to the underworld, but you just shrug it off." He pats my shoulder while I shrug a response. I looked up at him and after a few seconds, we burst into laughter.

This whole atmosphere was so tense, so having someone I know, like Lev, really helps. Even though I haven't known him for long, I really feel like close friends.

Our laughter stops when we hear a cough, clearly trying to get our attention. We look over and Lev brightens up.

"What's going on?" I stare at the man before clicking.

"You're Lev's boyfriend! MinHyuk right?" He nods before walking over to us.

"And you are?" Before I get to respond Lev cuts in.

"Sissy's girlfriend's roommate! Y/N." He smiles, clearly proud of the connection he made.

"I see, well it's nice to meet you Y/n."

"Nice to meet you too." He smiles lightly before turning his attention to Lev. "Boss needs your help." Lev nods and turns to leave. He waves bye before exiting. "Sorry I had to kick him out like that." He sighs while ruffling his hair.

"If he's needed, he's needed. Not much I can do about that." He nods.

"You hungry?" He questions the moment after my stomach made a weird noise. I laugh in embarrassment. "Let's go get some food." I smile. Food makes everything better.

We head down to the Italian restaurant and sit down in one of the booths. It's a bit awkward since I barely know him, but I shall still attempt at small talk.

"When'd you and Lev start dating." He looks up from the menu and I spot a little gleam in his eye. He must be happy to talk about Lev. That's so cute.

"We were childhood friends. The three of us. Me, Lev, and Kenji. Lev's sister, Zahra wasn't one to really do things outside, so I didn't know her that well till later. But Lev and I were really close. He asked me out, actually. Though I liked him for a long time, I was worried about ruining our friendship if I confessed. Guess he liked me too." He laughs lightly before turning to the waiter who had just approached. We ordered our food before I turned back to face him. I wanted to hear more

"Was this before you guys worked together?"

"Yeah, he asked me out around two years before Kenji took over the group. We joined with him. Though we've always had a connection to the mafia."

"So Kenji went straight to being the head?" He smirked at my interest in his boss. I mean, this guy just saved me, again. Like, of course, I'm gonna be interested, though another reason would be that he's really hot...

"No. He joined at the bottom, but we all climbed up really quickly. We did a few jobs that really boosted our positions. Once he was acknowledged for his talent, his father finally let him take over."

"So his father forced him to prove he was worthy. That makes sense."

"It does. But that's not necessarily what happened." He smirks, quieting while our food was placed in front of us.

Once the waiter left he resumed.

"His father wanted him to take over right away. It's Kenji who wanted to start from the bottom. He wanted to prove to his men he was capable of running the family. Though he wants that to be kept a secret." I nod.

"Of course, I'll keep it with me to the grave."

We eat our food in peace and I feel quite satisfied. I learned a lot of things and even got yummy food!

Once we finished we headed back to Kenji's office, where he was waiting.

"I see you two have met." MinHyuk nods before leaving me with Kenji.

"He was really nice." I smile. I stand still as Kenji walks over to me, towering above me he responds.

"That's good. Now, what were you guys doing?" he slips his arm around my waist, waiting for my answer. I feel like someone who left their boyfriend to hang out with another guy with the way he's acting.

"We got lunch downstairs." He smiled, satisfied by my response.

"That's nice. Was it good?" He grabs my hand gently walking me out of the office while I talk about my lunch. Obviously, I only talked about what I ate and the story of how Minhyuk and Lev ended up together. Nothing about his life.

"Anyway, where are we going?" I glance around. We walk into a really nice elevator and he presses floor number six.

"Your new room, of course."

"It's ready already?" He nods.

"Yes, I had Lev design it."

"Aww, that's sweet. I'm sure he has good tastes." His grip tightens and I giggle. Maybe he doesn't like me talking about other people's good qualities in front of him. We stop in front of a room with a number nine on it. I look down the hallway but only see one other door.

"Why is this room nine? Where are the rest."

"They aren't numbered right, to confuse intruders." I gasp. "We've never had any though." He responds. Understanding that that was a concerning thought.

"That's good." I smile as he opens the door. I peek in and let me say. This room is massive!! "Wow!" I walk in and look around. A walk-in closet, not many clothes though. A king-sized bed, curtains surrounding the bed. It's themed by my two favorite colors! The bathroom is huge as well! A large bathtub and a standing shower! Full-length mirrors too!

"Zahra is bringing clothes to fill the closet."

"This is amazing! Thank you!" I hug him and after a second of hesitation, he hugs me back.

"Glad you like it."

"Hehe." I am all excited now. I feel like a kid on my birthday morning.

"My room is the only other door. So if you need help just go over there. If I'm not in there, then I'm in my office." I nod.

"Why do you have a room at your office?"

"I don't have time to go back and forth from my house. I don't sleep much, but it's still a nice idea to have."

"I see. Um, if you don't mind, do you have insomnia?"

"Yes. Don't worry about it. It lets me get my work done."

I want to refute because sleep is important, but I'm in no position to critique his life.

I watch and wave as he leaves me to enjoy this new room.

First order of business, a shower!

The Poisoned Apple (Mafia x reader)Where stories live. Discover now