~(・θ・)~ 4 ~(・θ・)~

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I reach out and shake his hand. It's firm and rough.

"You look familiar" I look up as he furrows his brows.

"I do?" I question back, "I don't recognize you, sorry."

"Don't worry about it! Probably just going crazy" I laugh as he rubs the back of his head. "Oh, my sis wanted me to give this to you." He pulls a mini macaron keychain from his pocket and places it in my hand.

Wait, did they leave already? I glance around. Yup, they left.

"Thanks?" I flip it over in my hand inspecting it.

"She wanted to give you a 'nice to meet you gift' but backed out and asked me to. I think she was nervous or something. It's an alarm, just push the hook in for 5 seconds and it'll let out a screeching noise, I think."

"You think?"

"Well, I figured it was something like that cuz she has one, but I'm not 100% sure."

I smile, "Well, tell her I said thanks." You can never have too many self-defense devices. And with what just happened, I def needed something like this. "Oh! You want some tea or something?" I glance up, geez this dude's gotta be 6'0 or something.

"Sure!" I lead him to the table and then head off to prepare the tea.

Now that I think about it, he does seem familiar, but I just can't seem to place it. I grab some cups and bring everything over.

"So, you have anyone?" I glance up, startled at the sudden question.


"Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to sound weird, I was just trying to make small talk." He rubs the back of his neck again. I notice a tattoo.

"Nice tattoo. Always wanted one." I hand him his cup.

"Thanks, I got it a while back."

"Oh, and about your question from earlier, no, I don't have anyone." Sighing, I sit down across from him. "Do you?"

"Actually, I do. Been with him for a few years." My head pops up.

"Omg really? What's his name?" He smiles at my lightened mood. I guess he could tell I didn't want to talk about myself.

"His name is MinHyuk, but everyone calls him Min." He blushes slightly, and now my interest is beyond peaked.

"I'm guessing he's cute? To snatch you?"

"U-Uh, I can't say I'm cute but he definitely is."

"Do you have a photo of him or something?" He nods and pulls his wallet out.

"Here." He hands me a photo that he took out.

" He hands me a photo that he took out

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"Aww! I love the hair!"

"Yeah, when I was younger I was always really embarrassed that this white was my natural hair, so he's been dyeing it to show that it's pretty." I giggle.

"He sounds great!"

We clean up the cups before I walk him to the door.

"Well, your company was great, come by whenever, okay?" I pat him on the shoulder.

"Thanks, it was ni-" He stops as he pulls out his phone. He quickly flips it open and the air around him stiffens. I stand there worried, the expression on his face wasn't looking good. After he hung up he sighed.

"y/nnnnn, my boss made a mess!!!" He groans while I look at him confused.

"Your boss?"

"Yeah, he's also my friend but, alas, he has a quick temper and isn't afraid of speaking his mind."

"Well, speaking one's mind is good, but maybe not the quick temper." I pat his shoulder and give him a look of sympathy. "Good luck." He smiles weakly before hopping in some nice ass black car. Hold up, that car wasn't there like 5 seconds ago. Wtf.

"Thanks!" He calls out before turning and I feel like his eyes turned cold.

Damn, his boss must be annoying for his face to get that emotionless.

A character introduced~~

Minhyuk (everyone calls him Min- even though he isn't a fan of the nickname ( ̄ω ̄) - The boyfriend of Lev. 


I'm thinking of updating about every Fri or Sat, maybe more if I'm bored. ALSO, it's my b-day soon so I'll prob post a chapter that is just pics of everyone yall have met so far :) and some more cuz I'm proud that I found these photos hehe. It took me a while. 

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