chapter five

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Thirty minutes had gone by. Thirty agonizing minutes of that unsatisfied feeling between her legs. She felt herself getting annoyed with her own frustration and Beyoncé's ignorance of it. Her own involuntary fidgeting did nothing to make it go away. Quite the opposite. She couldn't work like this. She had barely finished off two single pages and that felt like a miracle already.

After a few more seconds of hesitantly biting her lip, she got up from the chair again. Within a few steps she had reached the door. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I uh... I'm going to the bathroom." Beyoncé looked at her and she felt super self-conscious all of a sudden. Beyoncé didn't say anything anymore and Kelly swiftly pulled her skirt down a little to at least try and hide the bruises before she opened the door and exit the office.

For once, at least, luck seemed to be on her side and she made it to the bathroom without meeting anybody on her way. She walked all the way to the last stall, checking the others on her way. They were all empty. Good. She slipped in and locked the door behind her.

She was having an internal battle. On one hand there was her awkwardness, on the other hand there was the pressure of not having a lot of time before she'd have to return to Beyoncé's office. It didn't take too long for the latter to win.

Kelly shoved her skirt up, suddenly feeling rushed by the thoughts of someone entering the bathroom. She slid her hand inside her underwear, not surprised to find herself slick with arousal. If Beyoncé wasn't going to help her, then she would just have to fix it herself. The simple thought of Beyoncé, however, made her own fingers seems less capable and instead of getting the relief she was looking for, she just became more frustrated.

No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't seem to get herself off. To make things worse, she suddenly heard the door of the bathroom open. High heels were clicking against the tiles and she heard a door of one of the stalls being opened. Unlike what she was expecting, however, the heels kept clicking and Kelly heard more doors being opened.

Eventually the heels came to a halt before her own stall and someone knocked. "Just, give me a second."

"No, open up." Of course it was Beyoncé. Who else would it be. Kelly pulled her hand from her underwear again, feeling ten times as frustrated as she had before, and she pulled her skirt down again before opening up. From the moment she opened the door, Beyoncé roughly pushed her back inside, locking the door behind her without even looking back.

There was hardly any space in between them in the tiny stall. Kelly couldn't even step back or else she would trip over the toilet. "What were you doing?"

Kelly was flushed, but she decided to try and keep at least some of her dignity. "What a person normally does in a toilet?"

Beyoncé took a step closer and Kelly stepped to the side instead, until her back was pressing against the wall. She realised it was a wrong move as Beyoncé firmly placed her hand right of her head, successfully pinning her on the spot. Then again, it wasn't as if there was anywhere to go inside the small space.

"Really?" She just kept staring at Kelly, their noses almost touching. Kelly couldn't even get a 'yes' to slip from her lips. She was so distracted by Beyoncé's warm breath on her face, that she didn't even notice her reaching down to grab her wrist.

She was confused when Beyoncé pulled back slightly and held her hand in front of her face. Once she saw her glistening fingers she got Beyoncé's point, however.

"Really?" She asked again and Kelly was glad to see a satisfied smirk on her face at least, even if it came at her own expense.

"I..." What was she even supposed to say in a moment like this? It wasn't her fault her brain decided to give up on her whenever she was close to Beyoncé .

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