chapter four

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Kelly pulled her skirt lower in what it feel like the million time. It just barely managed to cover the bruises on her thighs, baring them again with even the slightest movement. She sighed. Another day with stockings it is. She had been wearing them all week to keep Michelle from asking, again. Kelly could tell she barely believed her lame excuse to begin with, let alone if she found out Kelly had two of them in the exact same position on both of her thighs. No. Stockings it was. That didn't mean she liked to wear them though. They were incredibly itchy and Kelly had to frequent her visits to the bathroom in order to pull them up again as they kept creeping down for reasons unknown to her. She would never understand how other people could wear them willingly.


The next day during lunch, Michelle had sat down in front of her. "So you were inside Beyoncé's office for a while, I heard." Kelly immediately stopped eating. Wasn't this a weird question? Why would Michelle ask? Did she know something? Was this what she did when she spent an hour inside Beyoncé's office too?.

Kelly licked her lips nervously. "Why do you ask?"

Michelle's eyebrows shot up in surprise at her hostile tone. "Hey! Don't blame me! You offered. So, I take it as she gave you a lot of shit about the files too then? I swear, it seems like she's never satisfied."

Kelly blinked a few times, processing Michelle's words. "Right. Yeah. The files," she muttered out eventually, all the while thinking about the fact that Beyoncé did look pretty satisfied actually.

Michelle gave her a weird look but thankfully she let it go. "Have you seen Beyoncé's new assistant yet?"

Kelly's eyes shot up immediately again. "Assistant?"
Michelle nodded, taking a few bites of her food, leaving Kelly to wait impatiently.

"She started work today. She's got a desk inside Beyoncé's office. God, can you imagine? Poor girl."

"Inside her office?" Kelly asked and Michelle just nodded again, fully concentrated on her food.


Kelly's work had gone fairly slow for the remainder of the day. She kept catching herself sneaking glances at Beyoncé's office, trying to catch a glimpse of either her or her assistant. Kelly honestly felt horrible. She had had sex with Beyoncé once and still she felt herself getting jealous just thinking about Beyoncé's assistant. She didn't even have any right to be jealous. She had always known their encounter had been a one time thing.

In her mind Beyoncé's assistant was a bitch. In her mind her assistant was ugly and rude. She wanted to die when she finally laid eyes on said assistant for the first time though. She was anything but ugly. She looked like something out of a magazine. She had a body to die for and her hair was short with a perfect cut bang. She had a pretty face and big emerald eyes and Kelly couldn't imagine Beyoncé wouldn't find her 'distracting', as she had put it so eloquently. Kelly really wanted to hate her assistant.

When the woman passed her and actually took the time to introduce herself, with a big warm smile, Kelly knew it was a lost cause. She was even prettier from up-close and to finish it off she was actually very nice. She had the whole package. Even Kelly , who tried so hard to hate her, liked her. Robyn was her name.


Kelly had spent the rest of the week frustrated. Frustrated and stockings to make it worse. She hadn't even managed to catch a single glimpse of Beyoncé. The woman really had to be a workaholic for her not to leave her office, arriving sooner than Kelly and leaving later. Then again, who could blame her with a husband like that of course. And an assistant like that. Damnit, her mind went there again.

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