final chapter

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It felt so weird to 'take things slow'. They literally knew every part of each other's bodies, yet they were only really getting to know one another now. All they had done for the past week was just talk, yet it all felt like unfamiliar territory. It was all new and exciting.

It was obvious to Kelly that Beyoncé wasn't good at this. At baring herself. Even though it didn't always go smoothly, Kelly was just happy she was trying. Happy that she had been chosen to get to know the real Beyoncé.

She often felt like she was dating two people at the same time. There was the firm, stoic, bossy but oh so attractive Beyoncé on one hand while on the other hand there was a small, vulnerable and oddly sweet Beyoncé. That last took some getting used to and Kelly honestly never knew which one would come out at what time. It was something she'd gladly accept. They had spent the next week like that. Just going to places, enjoying each other's company without even so much as a kiss. The concept would have seemed odd to them months ago.

Kelly was absolutely horrified when she was told that Beyoncé would be heading back to New York at the end of the week. Of course she knew Beyoncé couldn't just ditch all her responsibilities (even though she had literally done so for a whole week), but the thought of Beyoncé leaving for some reason never crossed her mind. It felt like she swallowed a brick. She suddenly felt her stomach getting heavy at the thought of having to say goodbye again. Kelly knew she would be stuck here for another three months at least and whereas it had been a blessing before it was suddenly unbearable.

"I don't want you to leave." The weather was absolute crap, but they had decided to take a walk in the city either way. Both of them were pressed together under an umbrella, yet Kelly still felt the side of her face get slightly wet. The streets were deserted and market stalls that had been there all week had suddenly disappeared. It was a lonely sight, but Kelly felt less lonely than she had in a long time.

"I don't want to leave either." Beyoncé just responded and they continued walking in silence, neither of them feeling the need to say anything else for they both knew there was no way to make it any easier.

Beyoncé switched the umbrella to her other hand and Kelly was surprised when she felt a hand sneak into her own. It was a silly gesture but meaningful in every way. Kelly slightly adjusted her hand so they could intertwine their fingers comfortably. They continued their way to Beyoncé's hotel like this and it was good.


Looking at her soaked jeans, Kelly was starting to doubt the umbrella had helped at all. Not that she actually cared though. They came to a halt before the door of the hotel. Kelly had offered her couch to Beyoncé , but the latter had insisted she probably shouldn't stay over at Kelly's place which had been a very considerate thing. Now, however, it felt like a waste. A waste of time they could spent together before Beyoncé had to go.

"Do you want to come in?"

For a moment the soft droplets on the umbrella along with their even breathing was the only sound surrounding them. Kelly wanted to accept the offer, but at the same time she wondered if that was really the best idea. She didn't want to ruin what they were finally building.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

Kelly just smiled, however, "No, it's okay. I'd love to."

Beyoncé's face cleared up and she returned Kelly's smile. Even now it still felt surreal to see her smile so openly. Kelly was convinced everything would be okay as long as she could just see that smile.


After answering more than twenty messages from Tessa inquiring why she wouldn't be coming home, she finally switched her phone off and placed it on the nightstand beside her. They were both lying in the bed, comfortably talking to each other. Every now and then the conversation fell silent, but it wasn't awkward.

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