chapter six

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It had become a habit for Robyn to join Kelly and Michelle during their lunch. Neither of them minded. Robyn was very pleasant and if Michelle's internship by some chance didn't get extended, Kelly knew she at least wouldn't be left alone.

Robyn was about as talkative as Michelle , which finally gave Kelly a chance to just listen or mostly just space out without it being awkward.

"You're awfully quiet." Or maybe not. Kelly looked up at Robyn , shrugging.

"I'm sorry. We keep on chatting. You must be tired of it."

Kelly shook her head immediately, "Oh no! Don't worry. I like to just listening to y'all. I don't really have a lot to say."

Robyn just smiled while softly poking her shoulder. "I find that hard to believe."

"Oh you'd better believe it. You don't want to know how many silent lunches I've had to suffer through." Michelle raised her eyebrows, but the smile on her face gave her playful intentions away.

It would be a lie if she said she didn't have any expectations. It was Friday after all. Kelly might or might not have made sure she was wearing some neutral plain black underwear this time instead of the pair from last week. Her work had once again been mostly neglected as she spent the day just staring at Beyoncé's office door.

Every time she heard somebody walk by she'd look up in anticipation only to be left with disappointment every time. When she heard people starting to pack up, the clock having almost reached the 7 mark on the clock, Bora knew she'd spent the whole day hoping and waiting for nothing.

She supposed Beyoncé was a busy person and it was pretty stupid of her to make assumptions. She sighed and packed up her own stuff before leaving the office.

The next two weeks were the same. She didn't even catch a glimpse of Beyoncé whatsoever and honestly, Kelly didn't know whether she should be worried or upset. It must have shown on her face since Robyn suddenly poked her between the ribs again during lunch. "What's up?"

"Oh, nothing." Robyn shot her a disbelieving look and Kelly looked to Michelle for support.

"You've been really down lately." Of course Michelle would have noticed too.

Kelly wished she could pretend nothing was wrong. She wished Beyoncé's absence didn't hit her as hard as it did. It was just sex, right? She might not be a supermodel, but Kelly was pretty certain she could find someone else willing enough if she actually searched. The mere thought, however, made her stomach turn. She didn't want to find somebody else.

Her silence seemed to have rubbed Michelle up the wrong way though. "Fine. If you don't want to tell us, at least try to be somewhat more pleasant."

Kelly knew Michelle didn't mean it in a bad way, she was absolutely right, but she just had an unforgiving way of saying things. "Stop, Michelle. Leave her alone." Robyn voice sounded soft but firm and Michelle just rolled her eyes before she got up from their table.

Kelly felt bad. Michelle had never been annoyed with her before and she knew it was absolutely her own fault. Why was she even like this?

"Are you okay?" Robyn's hand was lightly caressing her fore arm. Kelly just nodded, shooting the girl a smile before getting up herself too.

"Yeah, don't worry." Robyn was a good friend.

Another week without Beyoncé. By now Kelly realised that the thing she missed most was not even the sex. She found herself actually missing the woman's face. Just her gaze, the incredibly feeling of accomplishment when she would finally show some kind of emotion on her otherwise stoic features.

She had apparently been daydreaming while her eyes were once again stuck on Beyoncé's office door. Her heart stopped momentarily when she suddenly saw it open. Of course it was Robyn.

It was stupid to hope for anyone else since Beyoncé apparently had a steel bladder and no need for breaks for food.

Robyn noticed her looking, however, and shortly waved before making her way over. Kelly painted a smile on her face, as she had done for the past week. Michelle had been right. She didn't need to ruin everyone else's day with her own frustration.

"Hey, what's up?" Robyn stretched her arms out above her head and Kelly could only imagine how tired she must have been with the boring work she was now all too familiar with.

"Umm, not much. Can't really concentrate on my work so I'm a little behind." Kelly looked down at her desk again. She liked Robyn, she really did, but she just really didn't feel like talking to anybody right now.

Staring at Beyoncé's office door was a full-time job after all and she felt pretty exhausted.

"I totally understand. I'm having the same problem. I'll let you work." She was about to leave but Kelly saw her linger around for a while longer, "by the way, you got any plans for the weekend?"

Kelly looked up momentarily, shaking her head, "nope. I'm probably just going to be lazy and stay at home." As always. She didn't say.

"Oh," Robyn absently scratched the side of her head, "I don't really have any friends around here yet and...well...I was wondering if maybe you'd like to grab a drink or something?"

Kelly smiled. "Yeah, sure."

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