chapter ten

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Of course people would be all over her once she got back to her desk. She didn't need any of that now. Her tears had barely dried up to begin with.

"Shit, that was so cool! The way you just went to her office and demanded for Robyn to not get fired! What happened after?" Michelle sounded excited and impressed, which was a feat that was not easily accomplished. Kelly would have been thrilled at any other time. Right now, she didn't feel anything though. It was as if she had left a part of herself in Beyoncé's office. She felt a soft hand on her shoulder.

"Kelly?" She recognized the soft voice of Robyn. She looked up at her friend who just pulled her into a hug from the moment she saw Kelly's red eyes. Kelly melted right into it, the tears that had only just stopped, suddenly flowing free again. Robyn just kept holding her, not saying a word.

"What happened?" Michelle prompted after several confusing moments.

"I told her."

Robyn pressed a small kiss to the side of her head. "Shh, it's okay."

"Told her what? What the hell it's going on?"

Kelly didn't feel like explaining anything right now, and Robyn didn't say anything either, which she was thankful for. She just kept pulling her close, her satin  black blouse absorbing a river of tears.


A day later, Kelly had already realized she would not be able to continue like this. She didn't blame Beyoncé, but that didn't make it any easier. Every time she saw her, a piece of her heart crumbled. She knew it was her own fault for falling in love with her, but it was done. There was no way back sadly, no way to make the feelings go away as fast as they had surfaced. No. She would need time. Time she was not able to get here, where Beyoncé's presence reminded her every day of the aching pain in her chest.

Luck finally seemed to be coming her way though. It was in that same week that a proposition had suddenly started going around the company. Kelly felt her heart thumping as her eyes flew over the lines of an e-mail.

Robyn had been staring at the files on her desk for a while now without actually registering what was in them. She couldn't believe she had talked Kelly into confessing her feelings. She wouldn't have, if she hadn't been sure that Beyoncé felt the same way, yet still it had ended up like this. She found it hard to believe she had been wrong.

When she accidentally mentioned Kelly a few times when she first started working here, Beyoncé's reactions were a little suspicious every time. She eventually started to do it on purpose. Her jealousy had been so obvious. Her reaction at the restaurant and the fact that she had even kicked her out of her office not a week earlier just added to it. So why had she rejected Kelly so cruelly?

Kelly had literally been close to a zombie the past days and it absolutely broke her heart. She was spaced out most of the time, she just looked heartbroken.

Robyn looked up from her desk to Beyoncé. She looked the same as usual and Robyn wondered whether she really was unfazed or if she had just become a professional after years of keeping her emotions to herself. Robyn felt a tingle again. She felt the need to prod again. One day she really was going to get fired.

"So, the company in London is finally lifting off, I've heard?"

Beyoncé didn't even bother looking up. "Hmm."

Robyn knew the woman didn't like to talk but she might as well see it through. "E-mails have been going around for volunteers to help out there for the first few months."

She got another affirmative sound but nothing else. Robyn bit her lip in anticipation.

"It'll be weird not having Kelly around when she leaves."

Much like she had been expecting that did the trick. Beyoncé's eyes were on her all of a sudden and Robyn had to gather all her willpower to keep her poker face and not break out into a satisfied smug smirk.

Beyoncé's previously wide eyes narrowed back to normal in a matter of moments though and Robyn almost applaud her for her acting skills. Beyoncé cleared her throat. "Kelly is going to London?"

Robyn nodded. "Yeah. She really never said she had any interest in going before so I hadn't really been expecting it," she shrugged nonchalantly, "maybe something happened to change her mind."

Beyoncé's eyes narrowed slightly and Robyn looked down to her desk again, not nearly as confident in her own acting skills. If Beyoncé had any suspicions of her intentions, she thankfully didn't voice them.

"Well, good for her." She eventually said, her voice soft. When Robyn finally dared look up again Beyoncé was staring down at her desk again. Unlike before, however, her eyes weren't moving over any of the papers on it. She looked froze in place.

Even though it had been an impulsive decision, Kelly hadn't regretted it one bit. Sure she missed her family and friends, but it was just for a few months anyway. She hadn't seen Beyoncé for almost three months now and while she still thought about her, it hurt less than it had before.

She was finally getting over her. Honestly, it seemed almost ridiculous to her now when she thought about it. She had fallen in love with someone she didn't even know. What did she expect to happen?

They never actually talked. She didn't know her hobbies, her favourite food, what she looked like when she wasn't working. She knew absolutely nothing. When she objectively thought about it, everything that happened had definitely been for the better. She would finally be able to move on with someone who loved her too.

Sometimes she wished she could turn back time to that party where it had all started, so she could just avoided going talk to Beyoncé and avoid everything that followed. The weird thing was, however, sometimes she'll think she would do it all over again. It might have been a short ride, but it had been a thrilling one. She sighed, pushing the thoughts from her mind. No. She was not doing this. Everything was better now.

Her days were more exhausting though. It seemed like the work never ceased. Which she didn't know she founded it helpful or not.

"You're late." At least she had been blessed with the best roommate ever. Tessa put a big bowl of what it looked like soup on the table and only then did Kelly notice how empty her stomach was.

"Have I told you how much I love you?"

"Only when you're hungry."

"That seems about right." Her lack of patience was running out and she reached out for the spoon to make herself a plate but Tessa was quicker and slapped her hand away.

"I don't think so! I cooked it, so i go first." It was worth a try.

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