chapter eleven/

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Kelly laughed at the enthusiastic Michelle. She waved at the screen of her computer. "How you been?"

"I've been good. Girl, you gotta call me more!"

She was right. Time was flying so fast for her, she would often forget that weeks had passed since she had talked to her friends. "I know, I'm sorry. And i'm good too by the way. Thanks for asking."

They continued talking about everything and nothing, carefully avoiding the topic of the actual reason she left. Kelly had been super grateful. In the first week after her dramatic display, Michelle had asked and talked about Beyoncé sometimes, but then she suddenly stopped, Kelly guessed Robyn had something to do with that. Lord knows she's grateful for her.

Michelle hadn't mentioned Beyoncé anymore. It would be a lie to say she hadn't been wondering how the woman was doing, but she figured it was none of her business anymore. Well, it probably never was.
Michelle opened her mouth after a silent moment but ended up just closing it again and nervously biting her lip, Kelly stared getting worried. "What?"

"Nothing." Michelle quickly said, she smiled but it didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Chelle, what is it?" She leaned closer to her screen involuntarily.

"Err...." Michelle was scratching her head and it was obvious that she was fighting an internal battle with herself. "You know what, nevermind. I gotta go to church. Was nice talking to you! And Kelendria," she pulled a judging face, "call me more often." The call ended before Kelly had been able to say anything. Michelle didn't go to church on thursday nights. She was left with an uneasy feeling for the rest of the night.

Just fifteen minutes before she could go home. The last hour was always the hardest. She glanced around to make sure nobody was paying attention to her, before reaching down and getting her phone from her bag. She raised an eyebrow when she saw four missed calls from Robyn.

That was strange. Robyn never called on her phone. Specially at this hour, she would never call if she knew she was working. So if she did call...

Kelly didn't hesitate to call her back. They weren't allowed to call in the office, but this seemed to be an emergency. Robyn answered the phone after it rang just once. "Kelly? Are you okay?"

Kelly was left speechless for a moment, "Umm..yeah...? Why wouldn't I be? We talked not too long ago."

"Oh, you're right. Uh..." Even though she couldn't see her, Kelly could sensed her nervousness. "Look, I wasn't gonna tell you because... Well... Because of obvious reasons. But i did some digging and-"


"Uhm, yeah? How did you know?"

"Rob, I've got to go." She heard the woman start to say something but she ended the call before she could finish it. Her eyes were glued to the woman talking to one of her colleagues in the next room.

Kelly's office was in one of those glass cubes that didn't leave a lot of room for privacy. She saw her colleague point towards her and suddenly two familiar eyes connected with her own. Kelly felt her heart stop momentarily. This couldn't be happening. This was the exact reason she had left and now she was here? In that moment she realised she had been lying to herself all along.

Those three months hadn't done anything to help her. She wasn't over her at all. Just looking at her now made her feel like a emotional mess again. She wanted to cry. To run away. Anything other than face her.

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