Meeting Ana

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3RD POV Again...

(Y/N) drives over to the parts shop, excited about getting a nitrous kit because it's been a while since he's used one.

He pulls up to the front of the building

"No parking spaces?" (Y/N) says to himself

He gets out of the GTO and walks towards the door, and tries to open it but can't.

"Is it open?" (Y/N) says to himself

He looks in through the window and sees employees and people who are browsing the parts they have. So to get their attention he yells:

"Hey, your door won't open!"

They act like he's not there, still trying to get their attention he starts tapping on the window anxiously

"Let me i- I probably look stupid doing this, I guess I'll just wait until Lucas is done with his business." (Y/N) says a bit disappointed

He starts walking back to his car when he hears another car, a 250z to be exact:
(It's still day, it's just pic I chose)

He starts walking back to his car when he hears another car, a 250z to be exact:(It's still day, it's just pic I chose)

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A girl stepped out of the car, and she looked like this:

A girl stepped out of the car, and she looked like this:

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"Hey, you mind telling me their deal is?" (Y/N) asks

"They don't care." The girl replies

"Oh.. names (Y/N)." (Y/N) says

" I'm Ana." she says as she looks at the GTO

"Did Lucas sell you this?" Ana asks, pointing to the GTO while walking towards (Y/N)

For some reason (Y/N) felt butterflies in his stomach, the closer she got, the more butterflies appeared in his stomach. And he did think that Ana was cute, but he brushed it off....for now.....

"Yeah, you know him?" (Y/N) says, replying with his question

"You could say that he's my brother." Ana replies

"That used to be mine, won my first race in that bad girl. She's perfect for someone just starting."

"I think you meant pro." (Y/N) says

" tch, You don't look like a pro." Ana says

"Ouch, there goes my fashion style and my pride." (Y/N) says acting hurt, but was still smiling

Ana chuckles, and (Y/N) blushes a bit, luckily, Ana didn't notice.

"Also, what do you mean by they don't care?" (Y/N) asks

Ana puts her hands on her hips

"Oh...Stock's limited around town coz of the showdown. They're only selling if they know you're gonna put the parts to good use."

"Who says I won't?" (Y/N) says, smirking

"Ooh ok, Rookies got confidence. How about a chance to prove you're more than just talk?"

"Let's do it." (Y/N) replies

457 words, much shorter than the second chapter. Anyway, I will see you all in the next chapter, byyeee!!!

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