~Chapter 7 BOYFRIEND's 1st WIN! Am I Dreaming Again?~

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[The boys eat their dinner... pack up and go straight home...

Thanking all the fans who came and supported them.

When they got home... discuss some things for tomorrow and then sleep...]

BOYFRIEND's WITCH promotion continues and they're getting so much attention. They even get #1 on charts and became the most anticipated group] :)

~NOVEMBER 11, 2014~

Today is BOYFRIEND's last performance stage on 'THE SHOW~ for witch.

After the rehearsal

MANAGER SHANZ: Alright boys, today is your last stage performance here. So give your best until the end arasseo?


MANAGER SHANZ: And by the way, are you aware already? You're nominated for today's top 5. Give your best shot. Of course we are all hoping that today's gonna be your day. Just enjoy the performance and do it for Bestfriends. Ok? Fighting!

BOYFRIEND: Nae! Fighting!

Minutes later...

STAFF: BOYFRIEND be ready in 10 mins.

BOYFRIEND: Nae! Kamsahamnida!

All the performances just finished. And it's time for the announcement of the winner for today's stage.

Announcing the scores
And the winner is...

HYERI: BOYFRIEND! Chukhahamnida!


Bestfriends screaming for joy!
The members were shocked after unbelievably hearing that they've won.

Youngmin started to cry. Donghyun seems not to care. He's in blank space. Seems like he doesn't know who is Boyfriend or is he even a member of the band and just glued on where he's standing.

Bestfriends are screaming to the fullest. Because they all know that today is Boyfriend's first ever win since debut. You cannot describe how happy they were. The smiles are clearly written on their faces. The members finally got into their senses on what's happening except for Donghyun. Haha.

When Jeongmin is going to begin the speech, Donghyun finally awaken and get his mic on his pocket behind and begin:

(Forcing himself not to cry. A strong leader indeed)

Uhhmm... first of all... We really didn't expect that we would get this huge honor... Uhh...
Haha.. Thank you very much!
First of all, our members, don't cry.
Our members, you've worked really hard.
Our bestfriends (fans started to scream again) who have made this moment that feels like a dream come true... who have waited and waited for a long time... Thank you very much.
Thank you very much to our President, Directors and all Starship family who didn't give up on us and keep believing on us.
And thank you very much to our parents.
I still have a lot more to say but... Thank you very much to our fans.
Thank you!

The fans scream again as they perform once more. They keep on saying thanks to the fans and DH even kiss the trophy in front of them.

-after the memorable event. The boys headed to the backstage.

DH: (talking to himself) I hope you watched this. I know you'll be more happy knowing that we finally got 1st place (referring to Saneth)

KWANGMIN: Hyung kwaenchana?

DH: Of course. Kaja.


SANETH: (watching The Show) kyaaahhhhh!!!!!! Yaaaaahhhh!!!!! Omo!!!!! Ahjumma ahjumma!!!!!

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