Chapter 7

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I woke by the sound of a baby crying. I look my right side to meet dark brown orbs with tears. I sat up and took jaekuk in my arms and pat him lightly to make him stop crying.

After minutes, he stops crying so, I went out to give him to his nanny who takes care of him while my mom is busy.

I went to my room back and got ready to go to my office.

 After getting ready I went to the dining room to have my breakfast

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After getting ready I went to the dining room to have my breakfast.

JK: good morning

Mom & dad: good morning dear

I sat down on the chair and mom serves me the food.

While I was eating mom asked me "so have you guys decide anything?" "Yeah I and y/n are getting married".

Mom: really! When?

JK: I don't know

Dad: what do you mean by you don't know?

JK: maybe after 2 weeks.

Mom: great, 2 weeks are enough for shopping and

I cut her sentence and said

JK: no need for any shopping

Dad: what do you meaning no need?

JK: we'll just sign the marriage contract; there will be no grand wedding.

Mom: but dear why?

JK: mom this marriage is only for jaekuk not for me, after marriage she we'll be only a mother for him not more than that.

Dad: you know that this will be unfair for her jungkook, even though you don't like her still she will be your wife, and you should try to move on with her.

Jk: I don't want to move on, and if she would be feeling unfair she would have to reject this marriage.

I got up from my chair and walk towards the stairs, but I turned around and said "she will never be my wife, she is just a substitute for jaekuk" I said I went to jaekuk's room to meet him before going to office.

After meeting jaekuk, I left to my office.

Y/n pov

I was sitting in the living room with my mom and dad.

Y/n: mom it's ok, I'm fine with this as long as I can be with jaekuk.

Here I was explaining my parents that I'm fine with signing marriage contract papers instead of a grand wedding.

Dad: but dear you also have some dreams about your wedding.

Y/n: I know, but I'm fine with this, besides it's not been so many days to unnie's death, so I don't want to celebrate it in a grand way.

My second marriage to my wife's sister / jungkook/ slow updatesWhere stories live. Discover now