Chapter 23

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Y/n pov

I ran toward the bathroom crying.

"How can he leave me like that, does he hate me that much?" I thought crying.

As I was about to open the toilet door but, stopped when I heard hwasa unnie's name.

I open the door a little and peeked inside and saw Rosé talking to someone on the phone.

"Why is she talking about my unnie?" I thought.

As I got curious so I stand to hide behind the door.

Rs: you can't tell jungkook that I planned to kill hwasa.

"What, s-she killed my sister, but why?" I said to myself quietly.

Rs: I will give you money tomorrow but please, don't tell this anyone, finally I'm getting jungkook for myself, and I don't want to lose her at any cost.

"So he wants jungkook, that's why she did this".

Rs: and y/n also will be out of jungkook's life very soon, he is all going to be mine, forever.

"I'll never let that happen Rosé, I'll tell him the truth".

Rs: yeah I'll meet you tomorrow with your money.

I ran away from there to tell truth to jungkook.

I saw everyone at the same place, as I look at jungkook I remembered the words he said a while ago.

"Do you think y/n, he'll believe you if you said anything against his so-called girlfriend, jungkook won't believe you y/n, he hates you so much. But I promise jungkook I'll expose Rosé truth to you, I promise". I got startled when Jackson talks to me.

I was staring at jungkook's eyes, I looked away.

Jack: you are fine? I nodded looking at jungkook, who was still looking at me.

Y/n: can you drop me?

Jack: yeah let's go. We walk to the exit door.

I turn around and saw Rosé beside jungkook.

Y/n: thank you everyone for being with me on this very special day and please pray for me that I get successful in my future. A tear dropped from my eyes as I look at Rosé.

"I'll not spare you Rosé, I'll expose you to this world," I thought and wipe my tears and left from there.

Jackson dropped me at the house.

Y/n: thank you Jackson for everything.

Jack: come on y/n we're best friends, I can do anything for you.

Y/n: and I'm sorry.

Jack: sorry? For what?

Y/n: for rejecting you, you deserve someone better than me, the girl who you'll marry would be lucky to have you.

Jack: ok okay, that's enough for today, the rest of the thing for some other day.

Y/n: aish, now get lost, I'm sleepy. I hugged Jackson.

Jack: bye, take care.

I open the car door and got out.

Jack: I'll tell my driver to drop your car

Y/n: okay. I said and went inside.

I went to my room and took a shower and wore my clothes.

I went to my room and took a shower and wore my clothes

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I lay down on the bed beside jaekuk and hugged him.

"Jaekuk-ah I will give justice to your mom, I'll expose that witch". I thought.

And after a few minutes, I slowly went to my dreamland.

Jk pov

After a while, y/n came back and she was looking at me but she got startled when Jackson talks to her.

Jack: you are fine? She nodded looking at me.

After that, she request Jackson to drop her and he agreed. As they turn to the left rosé came and stood beside me.

Y/n turns around and looks at me and said.

Y/n: thank you everyone for being with me on this very special day and please pray for me that I get successful in my future.

She wipes her tears and left.

After that, her other friends also left.

Th: in what, she needs to get successful?

Nj: don't know.

Jm: of course to move on from some idiot, of course. Jimin Hyung said looking at me.

Jin: Jimin-ah now stop and let's go home, it's getting late now,

As Jin Hyung said that Jimin Hyung immediately left.

Rs: let's go. Rosé said and I nodded I start walking behind her.

As we got inside I drove the car.

Jk: thank you for helping me. I said to rosé for helping me.

Rs: come on you are my friend, how come I I'll not help you. Instead, I should be thankful to you for trusting me.

Jk: Hmmm. I said and focus on driving.

After dropping rosé I left for my house.

As I was about to enter my room, out of nowhere I thought of y/n.

"Should I go and check whether she's here or not?"

I slowly went to her room and to my surprise her room door was not locked.

I went inside and saw y/n sleeping hugging jaekuk.

I went near her and stood there and look at her.

Her leg is all showing as well as her stomach.

"She has changed a lot, for sure and I guess I'm the reason". I thought and pull up the blanket and kiss jaekuk's forehead and went to my room.

As I went to my room I flop myself on the bed.

Jk: what a long day. I sigh.

I went to the bathroom and freshen up. After that, I wore my pj's and lay on my bed, and drifted to deep sleep.

 After that, I wore my pj's and lay on my bed, and drifted to deep sleep

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Hello readers, this is the twenty-third chapter of this story.

Hope you guys enjoy

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