Chapter 19

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Js: y/n your birthday is coming soon so has you planned anything?

Y/n: no I don -. Before I could say anything jisoo start speaking again.

Js: like last year I don't want to hear "no I don't want to celebrate my birthday", come on Jackson is also here it will be fun.

Y/n: you know I don't like to celebrate anything; even I didn't celebrate jaekuk's birthdays. I'll just cut a cake and give him a gift.

Js: y/n he also wants to celebrate his birthday like how other kids do, together with his both parents.

I keep quiet not knowing what to say.

Js: ok now let's talk about your birthday.

We keep planning about my birthday party.

While talking I saw jaekuk sleeping while hugging his bear.

While talking I saw jaekuk sleeping while hugging his bear

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I took him in my arms carefully and laid him on the bed.

Js: let's go outside and watch some movie with boys.

After that, we went to the game room.

Js: can we watch movies

Jisoo asked as she entered the game room and I stood behind her.

Jin: yeah let's watch.

Everyone agreed got out of the game room and went to the movie room

Everyone agreed got out of the game room and went to the movie room

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I sat at the corner of the sofa and Jackson sat beside me. Jungkook sat at the side single sofa and others also took their seat.

Jh: ok I'm starting the movie. Jhope said and sat beside yoongi.

Jackson pov

Everyone got so much into the movie that they even forgot to blink, but then I saw jungkook looking at y/n intensely.

So thought why not tease him a little.

Jack: I'm sleepy. I said in low voice and put my head on y/n shoulder and I wrap my arms around her arm and start clinging.

As I did that y/n immediately look at my side.

Jack: I'm sleepy. I said pouting.

I took a glance at jungkook and I saw him glaring at my arms which are wrapping around y/n arm

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I took a glance at jungkook and I saw him glaring at my arms which are wrapping around y/n arm.

Suddenly jungkook stood up which caught everyone's attention and looked at him.

Nj: what happen jungkook?

Jk: nothing Hyung, you all continue the movie I'm done. I'm going to my room.

After that, he left.

Th: what happen to him suddenly?

Jin: let him be, he'll be fine. Jin said look at me and y/n direction.

After that everyone again starts watching the movie.

I then unwrap my arms and excused myself.

Jack: I'll be back, I need to use the washroom.

As I went out I saw jungkook downstairs in the kitchen near the fridge.

I know he has feelings for y/n, but I want to hear that from jungkook's mouth.

I went downstairs and went to jungkook and said.

Jack: feeling thirsty, by the way, why did you leave suddenly?

Jk: what do you want? Jungkook said grinding his teeth.

Jack: nothing. I said smiling.

Jack: what do think about y/n?

Jack: Oops sorry you don't even think about her right? I said walking around him.

Jk: what are you trying to say huh, say it clearly? He said in anger tone.

Jack: I really liked her since my college days but, she rejected me because she loves you.

He smirks looking at me.

Jack: but, not now she hates you, and now I and y/n are getting close as you can see.

I saw his hand turn into a fist and face red.

Jack: once you'll leave her I'll get her and make her mine, and I'll treat her like a queen.

I look at jungkook; he seems like in deep thoughts. But then what he said shocked me.

Jk: Don't worry I already have a girlfriend Rosé and we really love each other, very soon I'll leave y/n then you can get her for yourself.

Jack: you do h-have a girlfriend? I asked him again not believing.

Jk: yeah I do.

After that, he left. I stand there shocked.

"I can't believe this, how can he have a girlfriend, and what about y/n. no matter how much she tries to hide her feelings for jungkook but she fails to do". I thought.

Y/n: Jackson what are you doing here?

I got startled by y/n voice.

Jack: n-nothing just drinking water, do you need something?

Y/n: no, you were taking more time that's why? Anyways let's go now. She said.

I nodded and walk behind her.

We went to the movie room and continue watching a movie but my mind was still stuck in jungkook's words.

I decide not to tell y/n because I know she will be hurt.

After watching movies we decide to order pizza.

After 15 minutes delivery boy got our pizza.

Nj: wait let me call jungkook.

Namjoon came back with jungkook. As they took their places everyone start eating.

In middle, I and jungkook took a glance at each other.

After eating bts, I, jisoo, and Vernon decide to go home.

We bid our byes and went out of our respected houses.

Hello readers, this nineteenth chapter of this story.

Hope you guys enjoy

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