Chapter 1

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I was waiting outside the operation theater, waiting for the doctors. Right now my sister is in inside the operation theater because she was nine month pregnant, and she slipped down and starts losing blood, we immediately brought her to the hospital, and now she gave birth to a baby boy, but the doctors have said that her condition is critical.

I was standing there with my best friend jisoo. To look at my right side there was my brother-in-law and his friends were standing. Jungkook's head was down with tears in his eyes. Then I look behind to see my mom and dad and my sister's in-law parents. My mom crying so hard and my dad was comforting her with tears I in his eyes.

(After 30 minutes)

A nurse came out and everyone went to her, and she said

Nurse: "who is jungkook and y/n from here?" After hearing to that me and jungkook and "me" at the same time. "The patient is calling you both please follow me" the nurse said, and we both followed her and went inside the operation theater.

After going inside I saw my sister hwasa lying on the bed with an oxygen mask and nasal cannulas connected with ventilator

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After going inside I saw my sister hwasa lying on the bed with an oxygen mask and nasal cannulas connected with ventilator. I quickly went to her and hold her hand. And jungkook went to another side and hold her another hand. And then hwasa remove her oxygen mask and then doctor immediately said "no don't remove that" jagi no" jungkook said. And then hwasa look on the right side where the baby crib is spoke again" kookie p-please take c-care of our baby jae-kuk, y/n that's the name that we select for the baby, it's nice r-right" she said while shuttering. Y/n nodded. Jungkook smile, and he was about to speak but again hwasa spoke" and y/n p-p-please do me an f-favor please t-take care of k-kookie and jaekuk, never l-leave them always stay with them, and l-love jaek-kuk like your own son and be a mom for him, I know you will be a perfect mom for him and p-please love kookie also he needs love" " unnie please don't said that you will take of them, and you will be the mom of jaekuk p-please don't said that" I said. "Jagi please don't say that I want you our baby want's you please don't said that "jungkook said. And then hwasa said "no kookie l-listen to me, I d-don't have much time please l-listen to me and fulfill my l-last with p-please y/n p-please kookie. Y/n please be a good life p-partner for k-kookie" then she holds my hand and take jungkook's hand and place it on my hand and said "p-please this is my l-last wish I just want to s-see you all l-living a h-happy life "she said shuttering and taking deep breath. Suddenly a beep sound was echoing in the room. Then the doctor said "please go out fast" "but what happen to her" jungkook said. "Please go out for now" the doctor said again, and then we went out of the operation theater, my mind was in a shock after listening to what my sister said "how can I marry my sister's husband, how can I be a mom to my sister's kid". My thoughts were interrupted my mom's voice who was saying something to me "what happen dear what did your sister said". "How I'm supposed to say all those things to them". "Mom please we'll talk about that later" jungkook said and after that they didn't say anything.

Hello readers, this first chapter of this story.

Hope you guys enjoy 

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My second marriage to my wife's sister / jungkook/ slow updatesWhere stories live. Discover now